Weathering the Storm

Sep 16, 2010

"The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. Its the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle against the winds and the rain and the scorching sun."
-Napolean Hill

Like the tree, I need to put myself out there and struggle against the odds.

Somebody asked me recently what weight I hoped to be when I finally reached my goal, and I laughingly said 150 lb.  That's what I weighed before my daughter was born (nearly 33 years ago) and because when I look at old photographs, those are the ones that make me the happiest .. lol  In reality, I have not set an actual goal weight for myself because I really don't have one.  My ultimate goal is to lose enough weight to improve my health and feeling of self worth, both of which have been sorely lacking as my weight gradually increased from year to year.  I'm confident that when I've reached my ideal weight I'll instinctively know it because I will simply feel better.

I have a lot of obstacles to overcome .. mainly physical limitations .. so I know this is going to be a long journey.  Having tried repeatedly to do this on my own, I'm grateful to now have access to this fabulous tool called weight loss surgery.  I also feel blessed to have been pointed in the direction of this site.  I've read so many of your stories and have gained a tremendous amount of insight and encouragement.  Really looking forward to sharing this experience with others who can relate to what I am going through.


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About Me
Wayne, NJ
Surgery Date
May 14, 2010
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