more pain

May 20, 2011

well, i had to go to the ER yesterday, my surgeon was not in and the other doctor that is usually there was not in either.  After spending about 3 hours there, 2 tubes of blood and a urine sample, i finally got tylenol 3 big deal! they did give me vicodin while i was waiting.  Anyway, tylenol 3 didn't touch this pain.  So in the ER the PA i saw told me to follow up today at general surgery, i called them this morning, my doctor is still out but they had a doctor on call.  The man at the front desk told me to be in by 11am, so i rushed and got in there by 930.  I saw the doctor on call, he said it is quite red at my incision site, i didn't notice.  I also told him tylenol 3 is CRAP, he gave me oxycodone/apap which is what i had after RNY and my TT.  He also gave me antibiotics 4 a day.  I just hope this pain and swelling go AWAY.  Its been 5 weeks now!  Today i looked more at my belly and it is swollen and warm feeling mmmm??? i don't know.  The doctor i saw today told me to come back in Monday at 9am to see my doctor. My labs last night came back normal, so who knows! not me, that's for sure!!


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Jan 09, 2009
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