Blood Test back from PACE Appt and it's NOT GOOD!

May 19, 2011

All of my levels are extremely low. My surgery has been canceled until I am cleared by my family doctor. I am on a higher dose of iron, twice a day and have to take a stool softener with it, because of the higher dose. I'm eating as many high iron foods as possible.... peanut butter, refried beans, baked beans and cottage cheese.... you name it.

Family Dr. says it will be 4-6 weeks before my levels are where they should be. So, in four weeks I need to call for an appt to get blood drawn again. Hopefully I will be where I need to be. I have to have this surgery and time to recover before classes start up again in August. I took the summer off for this, so I would have time to relax and get used to my new lifestyle! AHHHH

