I am home from SURGERY!!!!

Mar 11, 2012

OMG! My surgery went awesomely smooth! My surgeon said he had no complications. He could tell I had followed the 1200 calorie diet and strictly liquid 2 days before surgery. He was able to get to the top of my stomach without any trouble!

They were able to do the vertical gastrectomy (sleeve) and duodenal switch. They also removed my gallbladder and repaired my hiatal hernia. However, they didn't have to remove my appendix, because....... I DIDN'T HAVE ONE!!! LMBO. Isn't that strange??

The first night was pretty rough, but the nurses took good care of me. My biggest complaint was the air just under the center of my breast bone and in my back. I never felt pain from my actual surgery. I'm claustrophobic so waking up with the cuffs on my legs, an IV in each hand, monitor on my finger, heart monitor and cords all over my chest, morphine pump in my belly and bag hanging from my neck, oxygen in my nose, and a catheter kind of made me feel like a semi was laying on me. Because I am such a strong willed person, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Of course the pad on my bed was a tattle tale and the alarm started blaring. The nurses came running in telling me to lay back down. I dozed back off for about an hour and jumped up again. Needless to say they decided to take out the catheter and let me take my first walk! J

They told me, “now, the goal is only to make one trip around the hall, do you think you can make it?” I said, “let’s go!” I made 8 laps before they made me go back to my room. At 3 o’clock that morning I snuck out of my room and started walking again. I made 30 laps per hour – about 3 every 5 minutes. The next morning I started walking again. A nurse stopped me and said…. “Um, did any of your nurses tell you that 23 laps is equal to one mile…?” I said, “nope, but if that’s the case I’m working on 4 miles.” All the nurses were amazed and would talk about me to the nurses at shift change. The nurses from other wings were coming in to meet me, because they have never had a patient recover this fast or walk this much. So after a 2 night stay, my surgeon came to see me. He said I am very proud of your success and you are the poster kid for bariatric surgery, I have never had a patient like you.” Eeeeek! I hear a song coming on… “go on brush your shoulders off!” LOL! I’m not the boastful type, but this is something to be proud of!!! He then asked if I was ready to go home! Heck yeah, I’m ready to go home!!! Are you kidding me?

My surgery was the 7th and I came home on the 10th. The pain pump came out early the morning of the 12th and I’ve not even needed to take any of the liquid hydro condone that he prescribed me!!!! That is AWESOME! The incisions do not hurt, I’m keeping Neosporin on them, as they were at the hospital.

Now – The only trouble I’m having is finding the right time frame in which  to take my vitamins, water, protein shakes, and meds. You don’t want to take vitamins and start drinking water because you aren’t giving your body time to absorb any of the vitamins. You have to wait 30 minutes after drinking anything to eat (which is a protein shake – bc that is a meal replacement) and then wait 30 minutes after eating before drinking again. It’s currently taking me about 2 hours to get any entire protein shake down. The consistency is so think compared to the clear liquids my pouch is used to that I’m having trouble with the shakes. I tried the 100% Whey Protein – Cookies ‘n Crème from GNC and the Bariatric Advantage Orange Crème, both with Silk Vanilla Lactose Free milk. I did not like either shake, but forced myself to finish it because I need the protein. The problem was the shake was REALLY foamy. It’s a texture I just can’t stand. I’m thinking it’s the Silk milk. However, I did try the Bariatric Advantage banana with 2% milk and it wasn’t as foamy. I did like this flavor better. My dietitian said that using the Ninja blender may be the reason the shake is foamy. I’m going to try hand shaking it next and I will update you on that.

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