Thanksgiving 2010

Nov 26, 2010

Well, here it is.  The day after Thanksgiving, and I have so much to be thankful for ths year.   It has been 43 weeks since my sugery on Jan. 21.  Ythe time has flown, and so has the weight!  I am down 103 pounds!  Each week, I am amazed at how different I feel.  My children say I am happier, my husband thinks I look amazing! (for the first time in a very long time!) and I am even getting 'hit on' at stores and such. This makes my husband laugh (not in a mean way, he thinks it is great!).   Being 41 years old, it has been a long time since others have looked at me in that way. 
It is true, your outward looks do make a first impression. 
I am down from size 26/28 toa 10 petite.  I enjoy shopping too much now.  Before, it was- does it fit? Buy it, to, Wow, this looks great on  me.  I am in the process of trying to reorganize my life- getting rid of old, bringing in new.  New clothes, new hair, new attitude.   I hope life always feels this good!


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Feb 02, 2010
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