VSG Dumping - Yuck and my new 'ultimate goal'

Jul 14, 2011

Urrrgh - I feel so ill - and all because of a little bit of peanut butter !

I just had some peanut butter and then OMG have I dumped on it - you know the feeling - sweating, clammy, feeling sick, feeling tired - yuck.  The peanut butter - which I thought would be a nice treat today - is now in the bin as it makes me feel yuck.  I thought that my dumping days were over - but oh no they are not ! - just goes to show that sleevie is in charge and not me !

Early on in my weight loss journey I dumped on syrup and have avoided syrup since then which is no bad thing - but I seem to be ok on sugar in other forms - albeit I eat in moderation eg 1/2 a muffin, 1/2 a scone etc.   But today, 16 months out, for some reason peanut butter has not gone down well even though I've had it before and been ok on it - so I've decided to avoid it going forward - not such a bad thing as peanut butter is always a bit moreish to me - and anyway- who can stop at a tablespoon full of deliciousness? and the calories are always really high.

Anyway, I'm just 1lb away from goal and peanut butter isn't going to help me get there.

How come 1 lb seems so near and yet so far away ?  Anyway - I'm going to commit here - publicly - to avoid peanut butter and all non veg/fruit/dairy carbs until I get to my normal BMI goal (1lb away) and until I reach my "ultimate goal" - half of the highest weight I've ever been - which is just 6lbs away.

I know the last 6lbs are going to be hard - after all I'm not exercising at all at the moment due to my recent plastic surgery, and the last few pounds are always the hardest - but here goes nothing - I WILL GET THERE and am going to target getting these last 6lbs off by the end of Aug.

Wish me Luck !

