Starting out with ObesityHelp today!

Jan 09, 2016

Hello! My BMI is 42, and I'm a woman in my early 30s. That's about the worst summary ever, isn't it? I don't like to think about myself as some kind of data point, but there you have it. I carry most of my weight in my belly, hips and thighs which makes it hard to be as active as I would like.

I work in software design, which is a really sedentary job. I spend an average of 10-14 hours at a computer daily, and pull a lot of mandatory and voluntary overtime. I love my job despite the overtime and the long hours at a desk. I love what I do and the people that I get to work with. I've put on about a hundred and thirty pounds since entering the industry from my previous job which was more active but less intellectually stimulating.

I have a really long commute every day, about 1 hr plus 2x a day, and that keeps me from doing a lot of the things that I would ordinarily like to do for myself. I live in a very expensive area of the country and I cannot afford to live closer to my work while living in a safe and quiet place without a million roommates. After years of college, let me tell you, I am done with roommates. :P

Anyway, I'm just not really happy about this change. My body isn't happy either, as I have severe edema, sleep apnea and chronic knee problems. It sucks! Before gaining weight, I had been active and athletic my entire life. I don't really care about "conventional beauty standards" or whatever, as I look mighty fine either way, I just want my mobility back.

I've been working on pre-op tests and other required stuff for a Duodenal Switch for about 6 months now. I'm hoping to have my surgery this year. Wish me luck!


About Me
Jan 03, 2016
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