jackie_h1 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Michelle, I was just re-visiting the surgery page for Feb 2002 and wondered if you could give me an update on how your 2.5 years since surgery has gone? How as life changed and has having WLS been the best decision for you?? Thanks for responding and God Bless, Jackie in MI, RNY 2/8/02

betterfitness 20 years, 5 months ago

Michelle, Hope you are doing well. I was just thinking that I had not heard from you in a while. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and God Bless. Janice

Kimberly B. 21 years, 4 months ago

Michelle, I would like to congratulate you on your 1st WLS anniversary. We would all love to hear about how you are doing... please come back and update us soon.

Melody F. 22 years ago

Everyone Michelle was admitted into the hospital yesterday. She had been having pain in the right side but she didnt have a gallbladder. After a few test it was comfirmed that she had an impaction in the bowels. So far everything they have tried to make her potty hasnt worked. Please everyone say a prayer that she gets better soon. All her blood work was great other than the impaction.

Melody F. 22 years, 4 months ago

I spoke to Michelle's hubby a couple times and Michelle is doing great. She is walking the halls and eating ice chips like crazy LOL. Congrats Michelle and cant wait till you get home and back to posting.

Melissa M. 22 years, 4 months ago

Michelle, I am SO sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you earlier...I have been out of town but I did have you on my mind and I did say a prayer for you! I hope the surgery went smoothly for you. I pray you have a fast,painfree recovery! I know you can do it girl!!! Just trust in the Lord and he will guide you thru this~~~and I hope you have as easy of a time recouping as I did....Remember to do EVERYTHING just as they say and WALK, WALK, WALK!!! It makes all the difference in the world...I will be in touch and I am here cheering you on...Best Wishes as you begin your journey to a new improved healthier you!!! God Bless You and Your Family ...With Love Always...Lisa Massengill
About Me
corinth, ms
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2002
Member Since
