ihavcateyez 18 years, 8 months ago


GraceV 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi! Thanks for your kind words on my support page! Just wanted to tell you that you truly are an inspiration and you have a wonderful attitude! I hope I can be as successful as you! Kisses, Grace

iuz2befat 19 years, 11 months ago

Thank you for the info and I see you just had crossed over to the losing side stay well, MY thoughts and prayers are with you.~~~~Christine

asiya1 19 years, 11 months ago

You did it gurl!!!!! Im glad to hear that you are doing well!!!!! Talk with you real soon....... Get rest, get better!!! As always be blessed!! Denise

Kerri_Kurl 19 years, 11 months ago

Shakeema, Glad you came through surgery safely. I hope that you have a very speedy recovery period. Welcome to banded life!!!! Kerri

BEANIE ~. 19 years, 11 months ago

2nd update: I finally got to speak to her!!! She sounds so wonderful. She is doing great! I have to mention 3 funny things she told me. #1- in the hospital she is in, they make you walk to the OR, so as she was walking she said to the orderlies, "Oh green floors" - "I feel like I'm walking the GREEN MILE" LOL - she had them in stitches. #2- I think she scared the pulmonologist into taking her breathing tube out before she recovered. She said Please do no let me wake up with that tube down my throat, I WILL HAVE A FIT!!! You do not want me waking up with that tube in my throat!!! #3- She thanks DORI for this: When she got into the OR - she said " By the way, you are doing Bariatric surgery, so you get to see from here to here (basically pointing out around her belly button to breasts) Nothing further, there is nothing down there for you! Nothing below where you are supposed to be - HOW FRICKIN' HILARIOUS IS THAT? She is a pissa - and her DH is the best! He is so caring! He's taken off work to take care of her and the family - AAWWWW!!! She has been doing lap's on the hospital floor, to get up and move. She moved from the surgery table to her own bed on her own. She has some pain/discomfort and as the minutes passed she sounded more and more recovered. She felt good enough to let her hubby go home and get some sleep. She does not mind any phone calls - so here is her direct number to her room, please mind the time differences!! 1-212-604-5466 she is in room 1201 at St Vincent's in Manhattan. She is already asking about fills - HAHA, She is going to see the doctor early in the a.m. then do the swallow test (she is not looking forward to that) then try and get some liquids down. then she will be released as soon as they see she is ok totally. Ya gotta love this girl, she is aces in my book.

BEANIE ~. 19 years, 11 months ago

Hi all - As you know our very own Shakeema had her surgery today. Here's the updates. 7:40am - I received my first call from Shakeema's wonderfully caring and nice hubby, Anthony. He said she just went into surgery and that she would be out in about 2 hours. 10:09am - 2nd call stating she is in recovery and doctor said surgery went perfect. She would be in her room in about an hour. I told him to call me as soon as he sees her AND that she is okay for real. I also told him to give her a BIG KISS FOR ME AND HE SAID "I CAN DO THAT" (like he couldn't wait and was planning on kissing her anyway) Lovely man!! 2:01pm - 3rd call, finally in her room and in pain (to be expected) but doing okay. He gave me her room number and phone number to her room. I may post it later, I just want to make sure, she is up to phone calls. 3:30pm - 4th call, I called to check in, she was on her way WALKING to the bathroom with the nurse. I am glad the nurse has her up and around, I feel better because I could not be there. She is groggy and in pain and has to do #1 a lot because of the constant running IV. I told Anthony that if she is really groggy, to stop the morphine and ask for Vicodin instead (the morphine made me a zombie too) Makes a big difference in getting up and around after surgery. I asked Anthony if the poor thing slept at all last night, he said NO - she figured she has all the time to sleep today LOL!! I am going to call her soon to see how she is doing, Hopefully I will get to hear HER voice........Anthony did mention to me, do not forget to call her, she is looking forward to speaking to me.. That is a good sign, she is regaining her falculties. I will post to this post again in about an hour, so check in as far as getting her number. I will let you know about calling her...............If she is up to calls. Thank you for reading this post and her update. Reply to this post, if you like, she will probably enjoy reading this during recovery once she is home. If you do not want to reply to this post and want to send her something via e-mail click on the below link and then click on e-mail under her picture (the link is her last post-from yesterday) http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/surgtype-forums/LapBand/postdetail/41315.html?vc=0 Shakeema's Angel : Dana

lessthanB4 19 years, 11 months ago

Shakeema, Hey pretty lady! Please post as soon as you are feeling up to it and let us know how the surgery part of your journey went! I'm keeping you in my prayers.

asiya1 19 years, 11 months ago

Hey Shakeema, I am sending well wishes and best of luck today!! I know everything has went well!! Cant wait to talk so u cant update me on everything.... Be blessed. Today is the new beginning of the rest of your life on the losing side!!! Denise ((((hugs))))

Chigal70 19 years, 11 months ago

Hey Shakeema! By the time you read this, you will be a LOSER -- only the best kind. I hope your surgery went smoothly and that your recovery is as quick and painless as possible. Keep checking in online & with Dana so we can keep track of you. We're all thinking of you today! Best wishes for a safe and successful journey,
About Me
Brooklyn, NY
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2004
Member Since
