RDSunshyne 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Ellen...my OPEN was one day before yours. I still feel uncomfortable too! My surgeon doesn't use binders, but I still get pain at my incision, and all around....like REALLY pulled muscles, and even burning sometimes. My swelling has gone way down, thank God. I think that it is pretty normal to still have some pain...I sure have it. Things do get a little better each day. (I hate housework too!) Best of luck, and please feel free to write ANY time. Your WLS Sister...Rhonda :o)

Susan W. 23 years, 3 months ago

** Final Angel Report** Time to hang up my wings. Ellen is home and doing much better today. She is holding down fluids and being courageous about the discomforts that follow the surgery. It has been a privilege to know her and I'm looking forward to our friendship growing as we both get smaller. Welcome to the other side Ellen and Godspeed on your journey to health!

Susan W. 23 years, 3 months ago

**Angel Report** Well, it's the old "good news-bad news" thing. The good news is that ELLEN IS HOME!!! Yeah, Ellen. You'll recover so much more quickly at home than in a hospital. The bad news is that she is feeling sick and having trouble keeping fluids down. Worse, her grumpy ole surgeon has not been sympathetic (to put it mildly). Please keep Ellen in your prayers that her recovery goes more smoothly and that she starts to see the positive effects of this surgery. (and an angelic "harrumph!" to all surgeons with the bedside manner of a cactus!)

Karen C. 23 years, 3 months ago

Ellen, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I just got home today. Welcome to "The Other Side"! Hope we can look foward to spending a day at the beach this summer!! Karen in Bethany Beach

Susan W. 23 years, 3 months ago

**Angel Report** Ellen continues to progress well. She was liberated from all her tubes and connections and enjoys the freedom but reports that the J-G tube HURT coming out! She sipped some fine vintage apple juice (lovely bouquet, fruity without being pretentious). The best news is that she may come home tomorrow..Yeah!! Ellen has been such a model patient and a good friend. Hugs to her and her family.

Susan W. 23 years, 3 months ago

**Angel report** I talked to Ellen this morning and she continues to sound good, though a little less perky than yesterday. I assured her that it is natural to lose the "anesthesia euphoria" on day 2. She was looking forward to those delicious ice chips. All in all, her condition is great and her attitude is wonderful.

Donna A. 23 years, 3 months ago

Ellen I want to welcome you to the "other side". Things just get better from here. You will find that your life changes by the day and life is such a joy. Best to you and a speedy recovery. Donna WV

jay B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Ellen,Welcome to the otherside...... I wish you best through your recovery, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang on for the new life that is just ahead for you....>>>>LOL DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES.......

Susan W. 23 years, 3 months ago

** Angel Doing Happy FLight!** I just talked to Ellen and was amazed at how strong and spunky she sounds! Less than 24 hours after the five-hour surgery and she is doing great. She slept well last night and was up walking already today. She says she has no pain- only a little itching from the morphine, which she'll put up with. She will probably be in the hospital for 5 days, so please drop her a message to cheer her on her road to recovery. Great going, Ellen!

Susan W. 23 years, 4 months ago

**Angel Flying Around Futilely** I tried to reach Ellen tonight to see how her surgery went, but she is in a "holding unit". At least that means she had her surgery and wasn't postponed by her cold, thank goodness! She should be in a room tomorrow, so I will post again then. Meanwhile, please keep Ellen in your prayers for a rapid recovery.
About Me
Wilmington, DE
Surgery Date
Jul 05, 2000
Member Since
