Sharon Neva 19 years, 4 months ago

~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~ If you have any questions, I have a lot of research information along with my story on my profile page.

Susan T. 19 years, 11 months ago

Mal, dont know whats up but hope and pray everything is okee dokee with you and your little family.. Susan

AngiS 19 years, 11 months ago

Hey girl..well, you know I love ya, but decided I'd add my support here too! Girl, you're going to get through this just fine...because you have some of the best friends in the world and we are all here for you!!!

theresa B. 19 years, 11 months ago

I heard you were having a rough day..and Just wanted you to know that i love you..

sissakaye 19 years, 11 months ago

Heard you had a rough day...So sorry... Keep your chin up cuz we love you. Sending Cyber HUGS your way!! -Sissa (MO)

Tonia A. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Mallisa...I was in the chat room while you were there and I began reading your profile. First of all may I say you are a good writer. Your story was very interesting and quite readable. Like I told you earlier my friend has twins and triplets. The triplets are 17 and the twins are 11. She is only 34!!! She too is actually looking into the surgery. Well anyway, You must have a wonderful support system with that many children so close in age. Are they going to be there for you when you get your surgery and come home? You will not be able to pick up any of them for at least 8-12 weeks. I have a 2 yr old that my mom kept for 4 weeks after surgery. Then I have a 16 yr old that helped after that til I was able to do myself. Without them I dont know what I would have done. Everything works out though. This was the greatest thing I ever did for myself and my girls. I am so happy I did it and would do it again. I had surgery on April 22, 2003. I am 5'5 and weighed 262lbs at time of surgery. At 5 mos. post op I have lost 63 lbs and I am finally under 200lbs. Which I haven't seen in yrs. So best of luck to you and let me know when you get a date. Take care!
About Me
Hanover, MA
Jun 01, 2003
Member Since
