One Week Post Op!!

Dec 17, 2013

This well-meaning nurse at the hospital told me as I was being discharged that I shouldn't need a stool softener since I had only been drinking clear liquids while hospitalized. I should have ignored him and started taking one daily immediately upon my arrival home because being severely constipated one week out from abdominal surgery is very UNCOMFORTABLE!!! I have since started taking the stool softener, but it is not working as quickly as I would like : / I am a nurse, should have known better, but between the pain meds and the million distractions on the road to recovery I just forgot. Now I am paying for it. Bummer! In case anyone wondered - it is very common to get constipated after surgery. Use stool softener and drink plenty of fluids to avoid this. Don't be like me!!! cool


On a more positive note, despite the aforementioned problem, I am up and moving around much better. I keep up with my fluid intake, protein and walking. So far so good!






About Me
Edmond, OK
Nov 29, 2013
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