The cravings are back.... evil

Nov 23, 2016

I didn't get enough water today and with that came major hunger and cravings. I need to get some water into my system before I eat anything because I feel like I could just pig out. I have about 400 calories more that I can eat today but I don't want to start eating until I get some water in me or I could be searching for something bad. I don't think we have anything bad here to eat but you all know if there's a will there's a way. So I'm trying to cut my will out of the way lol. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have a plan. I will be eating turkey, ham, and 1/4 cup of green bean casserole without the fried onions on top. No dessert. I planned on making banana nut bread with almond flour so it was high protein low carb but the stores were crazy and I didn't want to venture in there. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. This is the hardest day since I started this way of eating. The cravings are sooooo bad. I know it's from lack of water because I'm starving too and I know with my sleeve still in tact that I shouldn't be hungry. SO it's false hunger pains from lack of water. 

