SIck again

Dec 05, 2016

I was throwing up yesterday. I ate eggs and a cheese stick yesterday and threw up half my eggs. That's all I ate. I couldn't stomach anything else. I woke up today down 1.2 lbs since yesterday. I'm 208.4 today. I still feel a little sick this morning so I'm not counting on being able to eat today. I bought some broth the last time I was sick so I have some of that today if I can stomach anything. I'm bummed cuz my husband made the salsa meatloaf last night and it smelled so good but I just really don't feel good. It hit me so quick yesterday. I was fine one second the next I was running to the bathroom. I hope this bug doesn't last long. I hate being sick. I have too much to do and no time to do it. This is my week for finals in school and I can't be pissing around sick.

