Back on the wagon

Feb 07, 2015

I keep falling but I keep getting back up. I'm feeling good about this time around. I have more support and a new game plan. I'm working on one bad habit at a time. Or more like not stressing if I have more than one bad habit going on at a time. As long as I stick to at least one bad habit changed a day I feel like a success. Right now I'm working on my water intake and that is dropping water weight quickly thank goodness. I lost 5 lbs in one day. That is with me still being swollen so I'm going to keep working on the water until it's habit again. I'm also forcing myself to walk. They are short walks. about 15 minutes but it's more than I was doing before. I generally sit in front of the computer or sewing machine all day long. I am completely sedentary. So the walks as short as they are make me sore but not bad enough that I can't walk the following day. I'm on a three day stretch so far. I look forward to seeing the water weight continue to drop. I'm guessing I have about 4 more pounds of it to disappear. After that i will start seeing some real weight loss. The walking will help. I'm glad to be doing it. I want to work my way up to two one hour walks a day. one in the morning one in the evening. I'm really trying to be successful and I desperately need to be back on track. I know I can do this, it's just a matter of not being overwhelmed and giving up but instead taking it one baby step at a time. It's not like right after surgery that I have no choice about what I can and can't do, now I have choices and need to make the right ones. I'm doing the best that I can and that's all I can expect of myself. I'm focusing on today and not worrying about what happened yesterday or how I'm going to do tomorrow. Today my focus is getting two more water bottles worth of the water in me and only eating one more meal. I know I can do it if I don't give in. So I'm going to do it.


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