Still Frustrated but Back On Track

Feb 16, 2015

After two days of slacking on my calories but still not going above my burned calories a day I am back on track and back to being more strict with what I'm doing. Today I reached about 860 calories. I have my meals planned for tomorrow as well and I'm looking at 600 calories if I stick to what I wrote. I have to be extra careful tomorrow to not blow it. I'm really struggling with this and trying to get this back to being habit and not a struggle any longer. I'm weighing in at 195 even. Man does that suck when this time last week I was 192.8! I know I'm retaining water because at these calories I couldn't possibly have gained it but it's frustrating all the same. I want to get my weight under control. I need to start losing again. I'm looking at becoming diabetic soon if things don't change and blood pressure pills have been added to my daily pills. How frustrating is that? I'm slacking on my water intake as well. I need to make myself start drinking it. I've been drinking coffee with sugar free syrup and non dairy creamer. I can't live on coffee any longer. One cup a day is all i should be drinking, Maybe two but this is ridiculous. I ordered a 5 lb bag of chocolate protein powder to do a scoop a day in one cup of coffee. I may split it up into two cups of coffee but I'm not sure yet. Any way, Just wanted to let you all knwo that I'm still struggling but haven't given up yet. I'm still fighting and still struggling. You guys are not alone.


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