~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 22 years ago

I tried to send this email but it bounced back at me with permanent errors...so...Did you really mean to say "120" grams of carbs a day? Every diet prescribed for this that I've seen says under 20-25 grams a day...was it just a typo or??? If you are really eating 120 a day that would be a HUGE reason for not losing quicker. Although 70 pounds is still GOOD! :>)

kylakae 22 years ago

Roberta, my goodness, after all you went through you are doing awesome! Be proud of yourself, I am! Keep up the good work and don't compare your losses to others!

kylakae 22 years ago

Roberta, it was great to see a post from you today. I hope it is a sign that you are doing better! Please let us know how you are doing!

jorielulof 22 years, 4 months ago

Prayin'for those happy days to return, and please trust one who knows, they will!

Kristi C. 22 years, 4 months ago

Glad to see you got your tube finaly. Did they say you could crush tylenol & put it down the tube??? If not, I'd call your local E.R. & ask them if you can do this or your PCP.

Elizabeth P. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi, I'm also from Connecticut. I hope to have open RNY in June 2002. I'm a bit anxious after researching this for several months. All I cna say is keep the faith. If this were so simple, something would be wrong with the surgery. God has given us a cross to bear, as he did so will we. And WE WILL survive. A new life...it won't be easy at first just give it time. I love this quote I found online one day I hope you can appreciate it too. Love ya "MAKE DECISIONS BECAUSE OF YOUR LOVE FOR LIFE, NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE AFRAID OF LOSING IT"

Jane Wurzel 22 years, 4 months ago

I am praying for you Roberta. I think your big problem is dehydration and lack of protein. Keep pushing them to hydrate you with IV's and still think about the g tube until you get your strength back. It seems like the doctors are not paying attention to you. You shouldn't have had to suffer this long with out a diagnosis. Fight girl!

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

Good luck, Roberta, you need to get rehydrated! I'm thinking of you and praying for you!

faybay 22 years, 4 months ago

I just don't understand how your surgeon can operate and then take off. I had considered him for my daughters surgery, but unless he had some family emergency, he sounds neglectful of his patients wellbeing. Let us know what he says to you when he gets back.

Kristi C. 22 years, 4 months ago

What a time you've been having. Must make you feel like the one who picked the short straw. Unfortunately you are not the only one. I know of 2 people here in Seattle who are having a rough time right now. Hopefully all of you will be feeling better by this time next week.
About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2001
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