Meet Our Speakers: Michael Blaney, MD, FACS

Sep 10, 2012

In the bariatric field, Dr. Michael Blaney offers a wide variety of surgical options ranging from Lap-Band, Realize Band, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Doudenal Switch and Revisional procedures. Through the bariatric program, he helps guide patients in making an informed decision about which surgery may work best for them.

 “Dr. Blaney is just amazing. He did my band in 2007 and my band to sleeve revision on 3/21/11. I have never had a more caring, attentive physician. He really listens and cares. Dr. Blaney makes sure you really understand the different surgeries and what each entails and assists you with your decision.” Cathy143 shared with OH members and visitors.

Don't miss your opportunity to meet Dr. Blaney at our OH Atlanta event where he will present, Everything You Wanted to Know, But were Afraid to Ask, Saturday afternoon in Grand Salon B.  Click here to reserve your tickets today.

 Fast Facts About Dr. Blaney
-Dr. Blaney’s bariatric office, Live Healthy MD, is the only comprehensive weightloss program in the region with surgical and non-surgical weightloss specialists, nutritionists, psychologists, and exercise personnel.  

-Dr. Blaney received his undergraduate degree at the United States Military Academy and his medical degree at Emory University. He went on to complete his surgical training at Eisenhower Army Medical Center and spent the next four years in the Army as a staff surgeon at Fort Benning, Georgia.

