Scale, stress, and success

Jul 28, 2013

I've had some major stress in the past few days and I think it's starting to wreck havoc on my eating habits.... The chaos of transporting my mom, seeing her thru surgery, and her neediness while she's at the rehab hospital has lead too many cookies & junk to my mouth, which has lead to weight going up again. I'd been down to 121 again last week but today weighed in at 126. Ugh! Very disappointed in myself and probably need another "come to Jesus" talk with myself. As much as I promote that psychological healing needs to take place within the mind, and not the mouth, I'm finding myself not practicing what I'm preaching! So despite a 17 mile run yesterday (distance PR!), I'm still eating too much of poor choices..... It's really hard not just to feel bad and beat myself up about it and do nothing productive. I logically know what'll work, both on the physical and mental sides, but am just having a "pity me" moment.... On the positive side, I've already planned out my runs this week so I know I'll stay on track with marathon training. Now I just gotta get a wrap on making lower calorie choices and managing my stress. Easy peasy, right?


About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2011
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