Mary M. 20 years, 9 months ago

Kassie, Please try not to let your insurance company get you down. Keep fighting the good fight! This website may help you in your journey (! Try to think of the financial end of the sugery this way, Gastric Bypass costs on average between 30 and 40 thousand which is about the cost of a nice SUV, and you are worth more than a nice SUV and then some I'm sure. I'm also sure that your husband would agree. So discuss it with him in that way. It may take a while to pay off, but your life and your health and happiness should not be determined by a price tag. Good Health and God Bless Mary (a posty)

Robin J. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi Kassie I seen a post you placed on AOL's board and just had to stop and give you a pat on the back...Very well said. I too am an adoptee, found my birthmom, but good grief--just like my adopted family they are thin too! lol Perhaps it came from my b/father's side lol Thankfully my son has his dad's genes...those sicking types that can eat all day every day and still be thin! Thanks again for a wonderful post and good luck on your journey to the losing side!!! Feel free to email me! [email protected] Open RNY 7/2/03 -41lbs Dr Nazarian
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Fabulous Las Vegas, NV
Jun 28, 2003
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