Jill W. 19 years, 11 months ago

Marc, Amanda, and Ceejay, good luck to you all. I visited with you and your family in the waiting room on Tuesday. My appt. was at 10:00 and yours was at 10:15. I didn't get out of that place until after 5:00! After Dr. Udobi saw me, I had to go to pre-admission where I had an EKG, had blood drawn, and spoke with the anethesiologist. Then I had to go down and get x-rays of my lungs. It was a long day. I was surprised I didn't run into you guys again in either pre-admission or x-ray. I just registered with this web site last night although I have visited and browsed through it many times. I will be updating regularly and look forward to following your progress as well. Amanda, you are young and this surgery will give you the chance to enjoy your son (and future child) to the fullest. Good luck to you all.

Sharon Neva 20 years ago

MARC~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WIFE'S WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~ If you have any questions, I have a lot of research information along with my story on my profile page.
About Me
Fort Leavenworth, KS
Jun 02, 2004
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