Diets and Back pain and Doctors, Oh My.

Jun 11, 2014

So May first I quit smoking. May 3rd I started having low back pain out of nowhere. I didn't do anything to cause it that I can think of, but it's been consistent and some days nearly unbearable. I went to a chiropractor thinking maybe I just needed an adjustment and it help a little for a couple of day, but the last few days it's been just horrible and hampering my ability to do my job. I replaced my mattress and that helped some, but sadly, it didn't cure my symptoms. I started my 6 month diet and can't even go for walks as the pain gets so bad I can't stand up straight. So yesterday was REALLY bad and I went to the doctor to make sure I don't have a bulging disk. He did a wonderful exam and pronounced it sever back strain. After having me do a few stretches, I was able to walk out of the office with no pain and a prescription for Flexeril. WOW! What a difference today. It made me a bit drowsy, but it was worth it! I felt like I was walking on jello LOL! I have some instructions for back strengthening exercises and stretches and feel like I finally have a handle on this and maybe I can get out and do some walking now. My first weigh in with my dietitian is next monday. I'm down about 5 lbs and would like to add a couple more to that before I see her. This has been a major issue for me emotionally because I'm not one to let pain stand in my way. Usually, I take some OTC pain meds and push through it, but i've never had back pain like this where it feels like it's just going to give out. It's so totally incapacitating and that's had me so frustrated. I HATE feeling like I don't have total control of my body! I can't wait to get my butt back into the gym and rebuild my lost muscle mass and hopefully never go through this type of pain again!

