Has anyone weighing 340 or more gotten below 160pds?

I would be interested on hearing any tips you have and seeing pictures.    — Carla T. (posted on September 20, 2001)

September 20, 2001
I three years pos-op and very active in my local support group; so I've seen all the before & after's. I've seen women in the 400'2 get down to 150 and...I don't mean to offend generally not a pretty sight. Yes, if you work hard at losing, it's certainly possible. Personally, I work at maintaining my size 14/16 size. Perhaps it's just me, but I can't stand the thought of rolls of haninging skin, flat flabby breasts, jelly thighs...just so that I can look down at the scale and see a number in the low to mid 100's. What's the point in having surgery and losing weight if you don't look good? I know that plastic surgery is an's done wonders for Carney Wilson and women I've met. But, my insurance doesn't cover cosmetic procedures and I am reluctant to undergo surgery again for unless its for true medical reasons. Also, those who do get truly thin have accepted a lifetime of dieting. I had wls so that I wouldn't ever have to go on another diet. I know you didn't ask all a wls veteran I often feel compelled to give a complete picture of my experiences and to let folks know that many of us l00, even 200lbs. but never get thin......and we couldn't be happier.
   — [Anonymous]

September 21, 2001
I started at 350 not quite one year ago and I am now 165 and still losing. I just had my tummy tuck 3 weeks ago because I did have a large apron after the weight loss. I did get my insurance to cover my TT due to rashes that I would get under the apron and due to lower back pain that the excess skin was causing. I am very happy with my weight right now. My goal is 150 and I see no problem getting to that in the next month or so. I wish you the best through all of this.
   — Sherri M.

September 21, 2001
I personally know one woman in my support group who has gone from almost 500 pounds down to 140. She has had reconstructive surgery and looks great. Another woman who started at 500 dropped 197 pounds in the first year. They really are inspirations for the rest of us!
   — ctyst

September 23, 2001
Hi there! In answer to your question....I have a friend who weighed 398 lbs pre-op, and is now weighs 137 lbs just 18 months later. She hit her goal weight in 14 months! I, myself, had this surgery just 4 months ago. Pre-op I weighed 381 lbs with a calculated BMI of 61. In just 4 short months, I have lost 146 lbs, 20 inches in my waste, 14 inches in my hips, 14 inches in my chest and almost 10 dress sizes! My goal weight is 140 and I KNOW I can reach it! : ) Hope that sheds a little light on your question.
   — Heather W.

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