post-op TT --How long until I don't stand hunched over from tightness?

I'm just a week post from my abdominoplasty and while I've read everything I can in the Library and I know about swelling and pain and recovery, I've not found any information that can tell me how long it will take until I can stand straight and not have to be hunched over to protect the stretchy, pully, pain feeling from trying to stand straight. <p> So far I'm pleased with the results even with the swelling and bruising. My privates are taut and lifted, my belly button is healing nicely (my old one was cut out and sewed into a new place) and the scar has no redness. I just feel very insecure out in public when I have to walk hunched over. Can't push a grocery cart    — Jo C. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
I was also told to not try, but I'm a twit and was standing straight within a week. However, I have two new, small stretch marks to show for it. ;^) Still, I know it's really hard to do, but realize that you probably don't <i>look</i> anywhere near as "hunched over" as you <i>feel</i>--I remember thinking my face was halfway to the ground, and my surgeon, his nurse, and the office receptionist, independently of one another, all asked me why on Earth I was standing so straight. It gets better, I promise.
   — Suzanne B.

September 27, 2001
Well, my first abdominolplasty I could not stand straight for 4 months as my incision opened up... now the second one which was a complete body lift was at least 6 weeks before I could fully stand straight... And 8 weeks before all swelling was down.. my before and after PICS area at: and my before and after pics at:
   — Victoria B.

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