Do you remember when... Please read this is VERY IMPORTANT if you are in OREGON

<font color=purple><p> Remember all the times you had to use the handicap bathroom because the regular stalls were too small? Remember when you wanted to go to a particular restaurant but had to go somewhere else that could better accommodate you for seating? Do you remember not being able to ride on a carnival ride or share in something fun and exciting because of your debilitating weight and size? Do you remember what it's like to squeeze into airline seating and what it's like to ask for a seat belt extender? How did it feel to be wheelchair bound and limited in any activity?</p> <p>Do you remember the ugly and mean comments you have received from some inconsiderate person about your weight or size? How often have you been self-conscious eating in front of others? How did it feel to have difficulty tying your shoes or being short of breath with minimal exertion? Remember those awful rashes in your skin folds.. the ones that start out itchy then they turn sour, smell awful and you become painfully raw? Do you remember getting on Tri Met and worrying when it was full about where you could fit or if someone could get past you in the isle?</p> <p>I know I could go on and on and on forever and I'm sure I wouldn't catch all those memories for everyone. So you ask where am I going with this? Well let me tell you!</p>No matter where you are in life, obese, thin, dieting, had or want weight loss surgery, denied care and etc. you can help! Help me get a law passed in Oregon. I'm talking to TWO representatives in Oregon on presenting obesity legislation in Oregon similar to laws passed in Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and Indiana.</p> <p>What I need from you is a letter of support. Tell me your story; long, short, detailed or simple it doesn't matter. Did your insurance allow you to get treatment for obesity? What was the treatment? Was your employer supportive? What did it take to get approval? What was the outcome, how did the treatment help you? If you were denied tell me why and what you are doing now. Tell me how you support a law being passed in Oregon to recognize obesity that will allow some degree of coverage with insurance.</p> <p>An example letter is right below for your review. You can use this letter as an example, and alter if to reflect your situation. Please email me your letter either on email or as an attachment on Microsoft Word only (I have no other word processing programs available). <b>All letters need to have your COMPLETE NAME, ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER #.</p> </b> <p>Your letters will go along with a packet I've prepared to local legislators. TO DATE I HAVE RECEIVED 13 letters of support, 10 OF WHICH ARE FROM OREGON. <b>I need at least 30-50 to make a statement.. this has to be taken seriously and listened to for so many peoples sake.</p></b> <p>If you have time you can donate to help with this or money you can donate to fund this please let me know. I have put a great deal of my own time and money into this project and could use the help for sure.</p> <p>You can email your information to me at <u><b>[email protected]</u></b> I was formally having things mailed to <u><b>[email protected] </u></b> or <u><up>[email protected]</u></b> but this one email will help keep things straight.</p> <p>I look forward to hearing back from all of you!</p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <p>Dawn Rhinehart</font></p> <p><font color=blue>Here is the example letter:<p> <p>I am 330-pound 32-year-old single mother to a 9-year-old daughter and feel I am fighting for my life. I am suffering from several serious life threatening illnesses such as high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, gastro-esophageal reflux disease all of which I am being treated for but are progressing and uncontrolled. I also suffer from other illnesses such as a very large cystocele which requires surgery that is far too dangerous at my current weight, along with incontinence, shortness of breath, skin rashes and infections, rapid heart rate, chronic back pain, severe rib pain and depression with anxiety and panic. All of these together make working difficult. I struggle with simple activities such as walking from the parking garage to my office and back again daily, sitting for extended periods of time, staying awake and normal day to day activities such as cooking, household chores, tying my shoes and even showering or bathing.</p> <p>My BMI is a staggering 54.9. According to the Metropolitan Life Insurance table of desired weights for a patient 5 feet 5 inches tall with a medium frame, my ideal weight is 118 pounds. Thus my excess body weight is 212 pounds, which classifies me as severely morbidly obese. </p> <p>I am in the process of appealing for my 3rd time with my insurance carrier. My insurance carrier has this exclusion: "Services and supplies provided for obesity or weight reduction surgery or treatment (including any later complications), even if you or your enrolled dependent has other medical conditions related to or caused by obesity. Specifically excluded are: gastric stapling or bypass procedures, weight loss programs, counseling, hypnosis, biofeedback, neurolinguistic programming, guided imagery, and other forms of relaxation training as well as subliminal suggestion used to modify eating behavior." Though my chosen surgeon has been able to prove medical necessity along w/ supporting documentation from my primary care physician and myself, I have been unable to get past the exclusion my insurance policy has. </p> <p>The National Institute of Health (NIH) classified obesity as a disease back in 1985. The NIH followed up in 1991 by releasing the Consensus Statement that recommends surgery as an effective treatment to people with a BMI of 35 with co-morbidities or a BMI of 40 without considering co-morbidities. In addition the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) published in 1995 the costs associated with being overweight was $99.2 billion.</p> <p>Just as many health insurance companies offer coverage that recognizes tobacco, drug and alcohol addiction as medical conditions, I hope the company can recognize obesity and all the comorbidities it causes which can be cured with surgical intervention. It is important that insurance companies cover the treatment of morbid obesity not just due to health reasons but also because of economic issues. </p> <p>The states of Virginia, Indiana, and Georgia have laws requiring varying degrees of coverage. Most recently the state of Maryland had a bill signed by the Governor after passing both their House and Senate by large majorities and is to be effective 10/01/2001. In addition, the federal government provides coverage of morbid obesity treatment for all federal employees and dependents covered under their health insurance. We need equivalent legislation for the citizens in Oregon. </p> <p>I am eager to have a bill introduced to the Oregon Legislature that will help so many Oregonian's fight this most deadly disease known as obesity. I am willing to help in anyway I can in this pursuit If there is anything I can do to expedite this please ask.</p> Sincerely, First and Last Name Here Your Street Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your phone # Your email address if you want </font>    — Dawn R. (posted on October 3, 2001)

September 14, 2002
Sept. 15, 2002: I'd like to get involved with this issue. Are you still working on this project?
   — Tammy R.

January 31, 2003
Jan. 31, 2003: Well, we've finally got a grass-roots effort going to have Oregon's State Legislation pass a policy mandating insurance coverage for WLS. Please join our group and be part of this movement! Go to: and register as a member today! Oregon needs you!
   — Tammy R.

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