Does the insurance approval expire

My insurance has approved me for surgery on 08/31/01, because my doctor (Rabkin) requires a $3000 "program fee" and will not schedule the surgery before it's paid, it's taking some time for me to get the money together (very bad credit, no collateral)and I'm not even approved yet. Will my approval expire, it took so long to get it in the first place i'm freaking out.... sorry I rambled...    — Diane B. (posted on October 28, 2001)

October 28, 2001
I was told by my insurance company approval was good for 90 days. Try calling your member services, good luck :)
   — Laurie B.

October 28, 2001
The insurence Nurse told me after aproval, It would be good for up to 1 year. BCBS PPO
   — [Anonymous]

October 28, 2001
Why not find a new surgeon? $5000 is a lot of $ just to be considered for surgery.
   — bob-haller

October 29, 2001
i have Blue Cross Plus (ppo) and i just asked that question. I was told its good for 6 mos. and after that the doctor can renew it no problem. Good luck getting the money together that you need. Diden't quite understand what that money was going to cover.
   — Nancy S.

November 30, 2001
Yes. You're approval will expire. They are usually set for 30, 60 or 90 days. You should check with your insurance carrier.
   — MaryFran64

December 1, 2001
I have BCBS and mine is good for a year. Guess it varies depending on your carrier. I think I would be looking for another doctor while trying to rake up the money. Not all doctors require a prepayment like that. Maybe your insurance company can give you some names of doctors in your network other than the doctor you currently have.....Good Luck!
   — Kim B.

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