Why my stomach can hold so much soup

I had a bowl of soup today....I made oxtail soup, here are the ingrediants.. oxtails, corn , whole tomatoe, tomatoe paste , okra, salt and pepper to taste.. This is a nice thick feel good soup (since it is so cold here in the north), but I was able to eat a whole bowl (about a cup and a half size bowl), needless to say that's all I had to eat all day because it is so filling. But I can't seem to figure it out why I can eat so much soup and only a half sandwich on other days. I'm 4 1/2 mos out down 70 pounds and have not lost a single pound in two weeks HELP    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 11, 2002)

January 11, 2002
The previous poster is correct... soup is more of a liquid and will slip on through the new pouch like water, inabling you to eat more at a time. When I don't want to eat a lot of soup, I eat a couple of saltine crackers first, to fill the pouch and then I usually will eat only about 4 oz of the soup. As far as the sandwich, breads tend to swell and get gummy along with rice and pasta and so fill your pouch faster. Keep up the good work... it sounds like you are doing really great!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

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