Can someone please tell me what is most important to watch when eating?

Calories? Fat? Sugar? What? I know some will say watch it all.. But when I am reading labels what is most important? What if i see something low in sugar but high in fat? I am a recent post op (few weeks) and dr gave ok to eat what I can tolerate, but I am so confused when I am shopping and trying to figure out what i can have and cant have! Can someone recommend the right amt of sugars and calories etc to have or not have ?? And whats most important when reading labels?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 7, 2002)

March 7, 2002
As a new postie, you should probably be concentrating on water and caloric intake--making sure you get enough of both in. Protein should be your first choice but if you can't eat or tolerate a lot of protein foods, I would say something is better than nothing so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. My dr recommends a goal of 35 grams of protein a day newly postop. Now there were many days when I did not make that and, unless you can find a protein drink you can tolerate, you may not either.<p>The more food you can eat, the easier it becomes to choose good, tasty protein sources. Everyone is different and I don't know how much you have to lose, but I lost 100 pounds in 9 months (to my goal weight) and this was my strategy: Protein first and foremost, to heck with the fat. Low carbs, especially refined sugar and starches (think white stuff--white sugar, white flour, white bread, potatoes, pasta, etc.). No fried stuff and small servings of sweets. I did not deny myself anything totally. If I wanted something, I had a small amount.<p>This is so much easier for me than dieting. I ate about 800 calories a day for 6 months. Without the surgery I could never have done that--I would have felt like I was dying! Now that I am 9 mos post I aim for 100 grams of protein a day and reduced carbs (usually between 50 and 150 grams in a day).<p>If I had to pick one thing that is most important it would be protein content. Next would be carb/sugar. Last would be fat. I'm not saying go crazy on chicken fried steak, but a little fat makes all the protein bearable. How many dry chicken breasts can you choke down? I did reduce fats that weren't connected to proteins--like salad dressing and mayo--opting instead to use gorgonzola or blue cheese on my salad for a little more protein and to eat simply meat and cheese with fruit instead of a sandwich. Hope this helps. Good luck and happy losing!
   — ctyst

March 7, 2002
I am not so much worried about fat as I am Bad suger, or Bad carbs. By that I mean we do not metabolize the fats the way we used to. Also the Bad carbs, and Suger is candy, sweet breads, and cakes. the good suger, and Complex carbs are fruits, and veggies. I eat alot more fish than I ever have before, so I can get as much protien as I can. I know I am not getting enough, or worried about Calories right now, because of the amount of food I eat is so small. I try to get in water, but with my job being a PC Tech, I am on the phone talking to people all day long. It is hard to sneak a drink in between calls.
   — sbinkerd1

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