Has anyone tried the Quaker Quakes? Crispy Mini Rice Snacks?

They come in great flavors and I dont think they are too bad for me.. 9 mini cakes is only 2.5 g of fat and 70 cals. Only 1 protein, But for a crunchy snack I think they are great and just wondered if anyone else has tried them and what they thought. I guess I'm just wanting someone else to tell me its not a bad snack? haha..    — Summersect (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 12, 2002
When counseling diabetics, I often said that there were no good or bad foods----just how much and how often we ate it! I've tried the mini-rice cakes and LOVE THEM!!!! They are really good around PMS instead of reaching for chips, and if you're in an emotional need-to-eat state, a few rice cakes can really help---as crunchy and light, they can be chewed up really small and pass through any opening real fast! I also encourage my pre-teen, always hungry and always eating son to indulge in these---an entire small bag only has 350 calories, one of his serving of chips has over 1000! Also, forget the sour cream & chive flavored ones, they are very bland compared to the cheese, ranch, and bar-b-q flavored ones. As someone who pre-op loved bar-b-q chips, the bar-b-q mini rice cakes are much better!
   — Sue F.

March 12, 2002
A friend and I just found something similar this weekend at a natural foods store. It is called Glennys Lowfat Soy Crisps. They taste just like the mini rice cakes, but they have 9 GMs of protein per serving. Each bag had 2 servings. The cheddar flavor was fantastic. The bag says it is a good source of calcuim and folic acid too. We each bought a bag (size of a small bag of chips) and went out to the car and tried them. After we tasted how great they were, we both went back in and bought ten bags each. I had a bag for my snacks today and got 18 GMs of protein. The entire bag is only 140 calories too. I recommend looking for them!!!!
   — Jane C.

March 12, 2002
Sorry, I just read the bag alittle closer, it only has 4.5 GMs per serving or 9 GMs of protein per bag. I still think they are worth eating. I get my protein where I can.
   — Jane C.

March 12, 2002
I have to agree with the recommendation to try the Glennys Soy Crisps. They taste even better (in my HO) than rice cakes and are much better nutritionally. I have some in front of me now...For the small bags... 2 servings per bag, 14 crisps each (Apple Cinnamon flavor...great with cottage cheese on them mixed with Splenda and cinnamon) are 77 calories and 5 grams protein, 11 grams carbs and 3 grams sugar. In the bigger bags, I have the Barbecue (By far the best tasting...all my friends are addicted to these now) and 1 serving, which is 25 crisps, are 110 calories and 7 grams of protein, 2 sugars. The Creamy Ranch, in the bigger bag, also 25 crisps, are 100 calories, 7 grams of protein and 1 sugar, also delicious. I am not crazy about the Onion and Garlic or the salted, and I have yet to find the Cheddar, just asked the Health Food store I go to if they can order them. Try them, I promise you won't go back to rice cakes!
   — Vicki K.

March 12, 2002
Hi Rebecca: I LOVE the Quakes Carmel flavor. I eat these when I want something sweet or crunchy. I wish they were a little higher in protein, but I add a little peanut butter on top of them and they are GREAT!!! Gets a little more protein in there for me too. I could become addicted to these very easily.....HAPPY MUNCHING !!!!!
   — Joi G.

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