has anyone with sever complications from wls, then returned to have t.t.?

i had to be placed in a coma and was in the hospital for around 3 months. i am now 8 months post-op and am doing fine, but will probably need, at least, a tummy tuck to get rid of the extra skin. my problem is how do i get myself back on that surgeon's table knowing what happened last time. i just want to know how anyone in a similar situation resolved this with themselves. i feel like... get me once shame on you...get me twice shame on me.. any help is welcomed. thank you    — Jessica O. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 16, 2002
Luckily I did not have anywhere near the rough time that you had. But I do want to tell you, from a nurse's point of view that you need to talk to your doctor(s). Find out exactly what caused all of the problems last time. Ask what the chances are that it will happen again. I do know that sometimes no matter how good the doctors or nurses are, that things go wrong. I have seen perfectly healthy people come in for a routine procedure and become very, very ill. This is the risk you take. Luckily it doesnt happen very often at all. Anyway, I think this would be a hard decision to make, but if you look at what caused the problems last time and see how likely it is to happen again, then you can make a more informed decision. Hope this helps a little. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Cory F.

April 16, 2002
Isuffered through two surgeries and some serious complications with my first surgeon.. I chose to see a second surgeon in a far away state for a second opinion.. I was dying and knew I needed help that my original surgeon wasnt giving me.. I went to this surgeon, had a third surgery and am doing well.. I will return to this far away state to have my tt within the next year... I live in GA and flew to WA state.. Take care.. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

April 16, 2002
Well, I can see your hesitation. I had complications, as well, but I don't think they were as bad as yours. I had a VBG in 1997, suffered internal bleeding and they couldn't find the cause. I underwent emergency surgery a few days later after many cat scans, x-rays, endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. that turned up nothing. The second surgery they discovered an obstruction which had caused my intestines to rupture and I was septic. The doctor said if they had waited another day I probably would have been dead. They repaired this and I was in the hospital for three weeks with fevers, undergoing treatment for the major infection in my body. I also had a partially collapsed lung and was unable to breathe. They had to leave my cut open for fear of more infection, so now I had a gaping hole in my abdomen which had to be cleaned and filled with gauze three times a day. This took 6 months in all to finally close up and left me with a deep, cavernous scar. Last year I had a revision to RNY. I was a little frightened, but I threw up on a daily basis and still regained my weight, so it seemed a necessity. I had my surgery with minor complications. Again it seemed there was internal bleeding that could not be found. Luckily, my doctor was on top of this immediately. Then after a day or so, it stopped. I went home after 4 days and he even fixed my scar. I'm glad I had the revision. Like the previous post states, consider the chance of something that bad happening again, talk to your doctor, and research on your own. Good luck!
   — Michele :.

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