How do I crawl back onto the weightloss wagon?

I feel like a failure. I haven't gained--yet. How do I get back on the wagon? How do I stop the cravings? I crave peanut butter and raisins. I'm not eating too many carbs either. Pretzels once and popcorn once. I never eat bread, pasta or rice and rarely potato (a bite here and there), I'd love to have lots of summer fruits that are coming up. How are fruits with wls? I had a restrictive operation, no malabsorption. Thanks!    — Cinna G. (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 17, 2002
If you crave peanut butter and raisins, have a little bit. A small amount is not going to hurt you. I am 5 months post-op and my surgeon says to eat fresh fruit. It is good for you. I have had melon, bananna, strawberries, oranges and small slices of peeled apple so far and all has gone down well. I only consume about a third of a bananna, apple or orange a day and smaller amounts of melon or strawberries. I also occasionally eat animal crackers. My weight lose has been steady and I am down 100#. If you are a slow looser, you may want to cut back on your calories, drink more water and either change your exercise routine (if you have one), or start one if you don't. I only consume around 800 calories a day. I eat mostly fat free yogurts, low fat, homemade soups and the occasional animal cracker and the small amounts of freash fruit.
   — Susan M.

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