What is an average weekly weight loss?

I'm averaging about 3 lbs a week right now. I guess I thought it would be a little more than that. What is considered low weekly loss? High weekly loss? (I'm 2 mos post op).    — Katy B. (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
I just recieved this from my sister, you may try and use the math to figure out what you intake/ or deficit is, vs. what your burning- you should be able to figure out what you will lose:
   — Karen R.

April 30, 2002
Hi Katy. I am 3.5 months post op and I can tell you this. Don't use your first month's weight loss as an average. I dropped 30 pounds the first month, but have been losing anywhere from 2-3 pounds per week after. Sadly, as much as I would have loved for my first month to be indicative of my average monthly weight loss, it is just not realistic. Some of us lose much faster (I would say 5+ pounds a month is a fast loser), but then there are those of us who are just slow losers. I even started my exercise program in hopes that the weight would come off faster, to not avail. Alas, I will sit and revel in my 2-3 pounds/week loss. Like my boyfriend says, that is still a projected loss of 104 - 156 pounds per year...not too shabby! Good luck and happy losing!
   — Christie S.

April 30, 2002
I am two and a half months post-op and am still not convinced that there is such things as an average. I was quite plateau-ish for weeks 4,5,6 and at times lost 8 pounds in three weeks (upsetting as a new post-op!). Finallly, he last two or three weeks I have been steadily losing four or five a week and that is just fine by me. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will keep up like this!
   — PaulaM

April 30, 2002
Hi Katy - i am 4 weeks post op and i have been losing an average of 5lb per week . My Dr told me that this is a good loss and he feels better to have a nice steady slow then fast as it gives my body time to keep up . I am happy :-)
   — sallie P.

April 30, 2002
I am 33 weeks out and my AVERAGE weight loss is 3.12 pounds per week.
   — MARSHA D.

April 30, 2002
It would be better if you asked how much you lost in a year and what you started out with. You are doing great and keep up the godd work
   — Robert L.

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