How long after lap surgery can you take a bath, or go swimming?

Are there any restrictions to submerging yourself? for how long? When I say swimming, I simply mean stepping into the water to get wet.....not exercising. Also, I prefer to take baths instead of showers, is that going to be a problem (assuming I have no problems getting out of the tub). I just want to know how long before I can get my scars wet?    — rhonda2u (posted on May 4, 2002)

May 4, 2002
Well, I didn't have the Lap, I had Open, but they glued my incision, no outside staples or stiches, I was told I could shower the day after surgery, and swim anytime after that, as long as I felt up to it.
   — Shannon P.

May 4, 2002
I had lap surgery and my incisions were closed with Steri-strips, small pieces of external sutures or staples, and no drains. I took a shower the day after surgery and was instructed that it was fine to get the surgical sites and Steri-strips wet....just to let them fall off "naturally". I was told that I could swim after three weeks. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 4, 2002
I had my surgery (lap) on a Friday, went home on Sunday and was in the tub on Monday, with just a little bit of water. Like it was already sid, the steri-strips will fall off by themselves. But I had to have my bath.
   — blank first name B.

May 5, 2002
I took a warm shower the day after my surgery. Since I do have a drain tube I cannot take a bath until it is taken out. Good luck.
   — Karen M.

May 5, 2002
I am a fellow bath lover, but please keep in mind any strain involved in pulling yourself out of the tub. Lap or Open, your muscles were still cut through and your insides are early in the healing stages. I don't want to you to hurt yourself!
   — PaulaM

May 5, 2002
I am 4 weeks post ob and my dr only just gave me permission to bath and to go to the ymca and water walk only -- no swimming yet - He told me it takes time for that tummy to heal inside and that He did not wish me to get a hernia doing to much to soon . Take care and good luck
   — sallie P.

December 8, 2002
My Doctor recommended no baths until the bandages are off. Im a bath person so I took one anyway and just didnt get the water on my tummy. It felt so good!!!
   — niteshadow181

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