Why don't you always lose inches?

Hi, I lost close to 45 pounds now, and am very happy with that but I was wondering why I haven't lost not one bit in inches. If your body loses weight, shouldn't it shrink? Thanks.    — Tammy B. (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
My experience has been that as I actually loose weight, my body doesn't seem to change very much. Then when I hit a platue, I start loosing inches. People start to comment about how I am still loosing weight (even though I am not!) Clothes that didn't fit me two weeks ago, are ok today! Exercise helps alot, especially weight training. Keep taking your measurments once a month too to keep track.
   — Lucky Gal U.

May 30, 2002
I agree with Samera, I lose the same way. I can try on a pair of pants one day, they do not fit, but even one week later, I can get them on, even though the scale has not moved.
   — Marie A.

May 30, 2002
I am the same way...I'll loose weight and not notice any changes in my body, but when I am on a plateau everyone remarks on how much I am loosing. I guess your body just needs time to catch up to itself.
   — Terri H.

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