pressure suits to reduce loose skin?

Hi there. This may seem like a weird question, but here goes. After someone has liposuction, they are often required to wear a compression type bandage/corset or whatever over the area for several weeks post op. This is because of the volume of fat taken from under the skin can leave it saggy and the pressure bandage or wrap is to help minimize this problem. So, what would happen if someone rapidly losing weight from WLS wore a similar thing? Sure it might not be practical to do over the whole body, but what about key area that later on become such an issue for people, like the upper arms, or thighs? Does anyone think it would help? Just curious!    — Katie E. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
It couldn't hurt as long as it doesn't restrict your circulation, and if you combine that with a skin elasticity cream (ok, yeah, they're not the miracle they claim, but they they're not TOTALLY useless!) I mean I've had those body wraps, where they wrap you for one hour, and it really does help, temporarily, and because your body is still the same size afterwards, you baloon back up, but if you shrink, and you're doing it for days at a time, maybe it would help alot on a more permanent scale... I'm planning to do that, use a skin firmer, wear a long leg (down to mid calf) panty girdle, torso girdle, and snug top as much as possible after the surgery, and asking my husband to slather my body with the skin firming lotion before I put all the gear on. *lol* I'm 24, and definitely can't afford plastic surgery, so..... this is my attempt to make sure my skin looks as close to 24 as possible when I'm done.
   — Heather K.

June 11, 2002
Probably couldn't hurt, might help. I'm wondering though if the reason liposuction patients where the "pressure suits" is because the skin is actually severed from the tissue underneath. In order to assure proper healing and regrowth of the capillaries feeding the skin it would seem that it would need to be in contact with the "new subsurface". That's just my idea, not facts. Perhaps one of our members in the medical field would know for sure. Anyway, best of luck!
   — Lynn E.

June 11, 2002
The reason for a pressure suit in the case of liposuction is to keep the swelling to a minimum. I don't think it will do anything for lose skin in rapid weight loss.
   — Carolyn M.

June 11, 2002
The pressure suit is because of the swelling and fluid buildup after the lipo or plastic surgery. It has nothing to do with loose skin. It reduces swelling and keeps the muscles and tissues and all "secure" while they are healing. (I'm four weeks post-op extended abdominoplasty - going through all that right now!)
   — Cathy J.

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