What does the jury say on chewing sugarless gum post-op?

Hi everyone...I'm just about a week post-op...have a slight case of thrush...any opinions/ideas about chewing sugarless gum post-op? I eat every hour -- and brushing every hour just seems to incredibly tedious. I'd rather pop a piece of the type of gum that's supposed to clean your teeth. I suppose that if I didn't have thrush I'd be more willing to just do trial and error. Any feedback?    — Karen B. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
Hi! I am still preop, BUT I listened to a surgeon just this evening on the topic of chewing gum. He said DO NOT chew it. He said if it accidentally gets swallowed it does not break down in your new pouch, and it will plug you up.... He said it is not fun. I really dont know much except that he just said this tonight... Good LucK
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 13, 2002
Hi Karen, I am 15 weeks out, and I chew gum ALL the time. Sugarless of course! My attitude/opinion about this issue is that I have NEVER in my 41 years on this earth swallowed a piece of gum either by accident or intentionally, and I don't think I ever will! You know yourself best. Is this something you've had a problem with (accidentally or unconsciously) swallowing your gum? If so, then I wouldn't take the chance. But if you're like me, then why fret over it?
   — blank first name B.

June 13, 2002
I have to agree with Gretchen. Doctors that tell us not to chew gum because we might swallow it must think we're idiots. I'm not saying it can't happen; I am saying that I haven't swallowed a piece of gum, unless I meant to, since about age 3. Obviously now, I'm not going to swallow a piece on purpose. I'm now 5 weeks post-op, and I've been chewing Extra gum since about Day 6. Chew it if you want to, but don't obsess about it--obsessing about NOT swallowing it could cause you to swallow it!
   — Kristie B.

June 13, 2002
i use the listerine strips. they are great. they are very refreshing and take away the bad breath. small enough to fit in a pocket and you can use them anytime...
   — candymom64

June 14, 2002
When I had my JP drain tube removed (one week post op) I asked my surgeon if I could chew sugarless gum and he said "Yes". I love the Spearmint ORBIT. ~Rachelle
   — rdszakacs

June 14, 2002
You guys are the greatest...thanks for your responses! I love gum -- although I'm a teacher and can't chew it most of the time (have to set a good example!) :) I've never had a problem swallowing it -- but then there was that one time when I was six and slept with gum in my mouth, and the next day Mom had to give me a new hairstyle... :) Ha. I also have an assortment of sugarless mints and such -- the Listerine strips, Velamints Chocolate Mints, you all know the list... :) If only they made those new Skittle mints without sugar! Love those! Love to you all...and thanks for your help. :)
   — Karen B.

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