
Ok, I have looked through the library to make sure this hasn't been asked yet but to no avail. Someone please help me! I had my TT Aug 7th and I am so depressed right now! My surgeon took the drains out about a week post op - but now 2 times a week I have been going into his office and having a butterfly catheter inserted into my abdomen and having the excess fluid drained off. Its a lot too! Plus it is still a dark brown/red color with no signs of a light pink he is looking for. It becomes uncomfortable between visits and my stomach feels and looks like a waterbed. Anyone else experience this and what was your take on it!?    — Nikki M. (posted on August 25, 2002)

August 25, 2002
I think you should call your surgeon, do you have a fever?
   — bob-haller

August 25, 2002
Hi Nikki, just a word of encougement, I too had the tummytuck/hernia surgery June 20,2002, and had a lot of drainage, I had the drains in almost 3 weeks before it changed color. Are you wearing your binder all the time? Are you doing too much? I did at first and got a bad infection in my drain site, after I took it easy, the infection got better with meds, and my stomach started to tigthen up don't give up it's early yet, and I'm sure you are younger than me, I'm will be 61 in November, and will hear good; God Bless you, Susie
   — lostitall

August 25, 2002
No, I don't have a fever. I am so frustrated! I see my surgeon again tommorow so I am not leaving his office without some answers! Regardless of how pressed for time he is. Thanks for the responses.
   — Nikki M.

August 26, 2002
Hey Nikki - you and I both had our tt's on the same day!!! My doctor had 2 drainage tubes in my pubic area (marked right and left). After 12 days they pulled the right drain since for the 3 days before it was down to 20cc or less of fluid a day. My doctor will not let drainage tubes in more then 14 days so the left one was pulled then. It was still draining about 40cc a day. I went today to see him and I have a seroma (fluid build-up) on the right side (that was the one that was doing good!!). He ended up taking a needle and draining several places on the right side and took out quite a bit of fluid (it's a HUGE needle) and there was quite a bit of blood mixed in with the fluid. He wasn't concerned and says it happens. He, of course, wants to keep seeing me weekly to make sure it stops. However, he did tell me that the compression garment MUST be worn TIGHT 24 hours a day (except when showering) and they didn't have a garment in the office small enough to fit me. I asked him if I went out and bought a couple of girdles if that would be good and he said that would work well too. JUST WEAR THEM ALL THE TIME!!! when he poked around my belly on the right side, it was like watching water roll across my stomach so I know exactly what your talking about. If you like, e-mail me privately and we can compare notes as this post-op period goes on.
   — Patty H.

August 26, 2002
Hi, I had my TT on 07/18/02. That was 6 weeks ago. I have been going to my PS every week and I have to be drained. It doesnt bother me. I feel better after he does it and the pressure leaves my stomach. I still have swelling really bad, but remember this to shall pass. The drainage is normal. The dark brown is just old blood coming out. It should turn clear or pinkish in a couple of days. Mine was a dark color for almost 3 1/2 weeks. Just be patient.
   — lynbaby B.

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