I am three days post op Lap RNY. When does this get better?

I am having horrible gas/incisional pain. The painkillers help somewhat but are not perfect. I am moving around, walking within my house, but the idea of going outside is scary. When will the gas subside? The pain? Will things ever taste normal again? So far, only water is ok, sf popsicles are disgusting. I know this is rambling (its the drugs, not me, I swear), but I just want some day to focus on. and i know everyone heals differently, but please, all just give me some idea. Thanks so much.    — Tamara K. (posted on October 24, 2002)

October 24, 2002
Oh Sweetie. I was there not too long ago. Hang in there. I assure you it will get better and soon. I had the horrible problem of everything (including water!) tasting salty. I was miserable. I'd say after about a week, most things tasted normal again. I have found that some sugar-free things taste too sweet for me. Odd, huh? As for pain, I didn't have incisional pain, but I was haing weird cramps around where my tube was and they were horrific. They felt like contractions! Are you taking anything for the gas? If the pain and gas are that bad, call your surgeon and ask for something stronger. Don't sit round hurting when you don't have to. I am now 5 weeks post-op, down almost 50lbs. and I feel great! You will too before you know it!!! Take care!
   — karmiausnic

October 24, 2002
I know how u r feeling, we all do. I thought I would never get through it, but u will!! :) Keep your chin up, you are already three days out, almost a week. The pain was the worst the first week. Each week it does get better, I promise. I had LAP RNY almost 5 months ago, and was in excruciating pain. The gas pains were horrible. I made sure to walk every hour which helped a little. I also took milk of magnesia which helped loosen the gas a bit. Watch some TV or movies, call some friends to pass the time. It is a rough time right now, the recovery, but in a few weeks, the gas and incision pain will just be so dull, it won't even bother you! The painkillers barely worked for me either. Evn the morphine in the hospital didn't do much! But I am now down over 70 pounds, and wouldn't trade this for the world, even all the pain I went through, believe me, it will all be worth it! Hang in there, if you want to talk, e-mail me at ANGELLMY@AOLCOM. Goodluck :)
   — Lezlie Y.

October 24, 2002
I feel you! I am 10 days post op and am still in a great deal of pain. I was just discharged a couple of days ago though because of complications...I had internal bleeding (had to have a blood transfusion), my blood pressure bottomed out, and I had swelling of legs and feet. I attribute most of my pain to those complications though. Hang in there! My pain has begun to subside! I'm only taking my pain meds 2 times a day now rather than every 3 hours.
   — Sanya R.

October 24, 2002
I agree call your WLS and ask for advice on what to take for the gas and stronger pain meds, i've seen patient's hospitalized because of pain(uncontrolled pain raises your blood pressure) and that is a whole new set of problems.
   — deniece M.

October 24, 2002
Don't worry, things WILL get better. I had complications after surgery and everyone kept telling me "things will get better" and I thought they were just telling me that cause, for me, it took a LONG time before I felt good. BUT, I'm 10 months out now and feel really good. You just had MAJOR surgery and it does take a while to get your strength back, especially because we are not able to eat much for a while. And nothing tastes good either. I had gas problems at first also. Ask you doc about LIQUID REGLAN. It helped me tremendously. It also helps with nausea if you have it. Be patient. Things WILL get better, it just takes some time. Your body is concentrating on healing right now. Drink your liquids, walk, get plenty of rest, and be patient. As they say, "things get worse before they get better". There will be a lot of things and emotions that you will be going thru in the next couple of months. The anesthia plays games with you. You may go through a bit of depression, but this too, shall pass. It's just all part of this surgery process. This website is a godsend for support. Another thing good to do is go to a local support group meeting. Ask your surgeon's office if there is one in your town or near you. There, you can ask questions and talk to people face to face who are going thru or went thru the same things that you will be going thru in the next few weeks/months. They can be very helpful and supportive. Good luck to you and just remember that things WILL get better. It just takes TIME.
   — Kim B.

October 24, 2002
I had the Lap done 15 1/2 months ago and I have lost almost 130 pounds. The first few weeks are hell... there is no other way to put it. But hang in there, the gas and pain does get better. Give it time and things will start to taste normal again, though I do admit - some things that I like the flavor of before - I cannot stand now. If you need any other info, just email me.
   — HotMamaDBA

October 24, 2002
Getting outside and walk a short distance. Have someone go with you or take a cell phone if your concerned. Getting out and walking, going sopping other than food will help the gas and your outlook. The more you walk the better you will feel
   — bob-haller

October 25, 2002
I can't remember exactly when it stopped, but I know when I went back to work after 14 days it was gone. I had the same surgery as you. It gets better. I eat pretty much normal now. I just had a steak and a baked potato and they tasted normal. Read my profile it should help.
   — Linda A.

October 25, 2002
Hi! I am about 6weeks post op and I was feeling like you are even at 3weeks--and that is when I had to go back to work.The more you walk and move around, the better you will feel. But trust me, it DOES get better with each day. Hang in there.. and don't forget those pain meds! They are given to you for a reason.. at 3days post op I assume you are still taking them..Do what I did--walk as much as tolerated, take some pain meds, and go to sleep.
   — shrinkinchrissi

October 26, 2002
I am 2 weeks post-op Lap RNY. At about 1 week, my gas pains went away. I never had incisional pain, but I felt kind of "beat-up" on the inside. That has also disappeared. As for the taste of things, that could be an effect of the anesthesia. It gets better, promise. Honestly, I am up, around, and ready to get back to work. Just be patient with yourself- this was MAJOR surgery. Rest, walk, & focus on the positive each day. Hope you feel better.
   — Rebekah B.

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