Losing 100% of excess weight

I am 8 1/2 months out and according to the weight loss planner, ahead of the track to loose 100% of my excess weight. It's been this way for many months. Here's the deal, though: I am not sure I want to weight 142 pounds. I know it sounds crazy, but I'd be happy at 165. I want to have my plastic surgery in February or March, but I am afraid I'll keep losing afterwards. Should I wait to have my PS? I can't! Has anyone out there been this far out, on track to lose all their excess, but then one day just stopped losing. I guess part of me is very psychological and I am trying to avoid setting myself up for a fall...this is all just so weird. I never thought in my life I would feel this ambiguous about losing too much weight. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.    — PaulaM (posted on November 1, 2002)

November 1, 2002
I still have a ways to go, but I too want to be around 160/165 pounds, not "slim". I have been told that if we get to a point where are satisfied, but are still losing weight, we should up the carbs. This will cause us to maintain. If I were you, I would go ahead with your other surgery (you didn't say what you were having done) if you are happy where you are, but talk with your surgeon or PCP about what they want you to do to maintain instead of continuing to lose...Best of luck to you!.....Karen (lap rny 9/20/02- down 56 pounds)
   — karmiausnic

November 1, 2002
You want to have stabilized before having Plastic Surgery you really only have the once chance at Plastic Surgery it is expensive and Insurance if it covers at all will not redo it.. I had a TT at 15 months my Doc says 18 months actually I am just now infact today 2 yrs out and my body has gotten a little better the thighs are not as ugly thank the Lord Do not be in such a hurry and you do want to be as thin as possible because more then likely you will regain back 10 lbs
   — Kathleen M.

November 1, 2002
I'm 9 mo post. And lost 154 so far. I too want plastic surgery. I have seen a PS and he said that I should stablize my weight before the surgery. It's a waiting game.The ultimate sucess of the surgery depends on healing correctly. If you gain or loose weight the surgery will not make you happy. Hang in there.
   — Robert L.

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