What's grocery shopping like Post-Op?

I realize I will need tons less food and different foods but as I was grocery shopping today and did my usual, buy all my favorites without even thinking, I'm wodering if I will have a tendency to do the same post-op. Will I buy things I can't even eat because it is habit? As you can probably tell I am not a meal planner and buy a lot of things I can heat up or at the deli etc, hence the weight problem. I realize I won't likely even be hungry for food and those foods, but these are my standards I buy even if I'm not hungry or feeling like crap. I don't have anyone to do shopping for me after my mom leaves at 2 weeks. Just curious if you single shoppers had a hard time adjusting to a whole new way of thinking. I'm going to have to get friends plastic bags, for dog refuse bags, because I won't be buying enough food and have enough bags to keep up with my three fur babies. LOL    — zoedogcbr (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 5, 2003
Good question Chris. Well, first of all let me say that when you are an early post-op grocery shopping is absolutely no fun. I used to have so much fun clipping coupons, composing a grocery list, and then shopping. But now life is just SO much different. First of all, you won't really WANT to grocery shop in the beginning. You might find it quite deperssing. I know I found the soda aisle depressing. hehehe Once you are a post-op you go on automatic pilot. You KNOW what you can and can't have for the most part and so NO, you DO NOT buy things you can't have. Well, at least I don't. Also, NEVER buy a lot of anything because your tastes change once you are a post-op. A lot of things I used to like (and can still have) I can't stomach now. I tire of things VERY easily so I don't buy a lot of anything. You'll adjust pretty easily to the grocery shopping. It's the other stuff that takes some getting used to! Good luck...
   — Tracy A.

January 5, 2003
In the beginning a found the grocery store so hugeeeeee!!! since I use the motorized cart for 4 wks. I was afraid I would get weak and have to sit down in a hurry. I know find myself skipping a lot of isle in the store. There are certain things that are not aloud in my house at all, ritzs, cheese=it, wheat thins, pototatoe chips (my all time favorite snack food). I tried bring in all the other items except the chips and thought I could just have one or two. Who in the heck was I kidding, I'm a carbo junkie and always will be. Even though I skip a lot of isle, sad to say my grocery bill hasnt gone down. I am a single mom and only on occassion have to cook since my daughter works nites, and is happy with pizze rolls when she comes home. I eat a lot of string cheese, yougart, lunch meat, cheddar cheese, and soup.... so far it is working -116 in 6 1/2 mths.
   — paulsgirl

January 6, 2003
Hi Chris, yes, grocery shopping is much different post-op. There were lots of things I used to buy that are no longer on the list like cereals (used to eat boxes and boxes of the stuff), rice mixes, sodas, boxes of cookies, donuts etc. I think you will find the prepared foods, seafood counter and deli sections of the store your friends now. You can order very small amounts there which help. My grocery store is used to my ordering 1/3 of a pound of things! Lean Cuisines come in handy too. I also buy the 4 pack of chicken breasts and freeze 2 of them and make 2 of them to munch on as a snack. I also eat out frequently and bring home lots of leftovers. They usually make 2 or 3 more meals. Amazing to think I used to eat the whole meal in one sitting...It is hard at first, but you will adjust. And I like the lower food bill too!
   — Cindy R.

January 6, 2003
I find that I do very little shopping at the regular grocery store now. I don't crave such a variety of foods now and have several stock foods that I keep in large quantities. I have started shopping at Costco(like Sam's) for my cheeses, chicken thighs, canned veggies, etc. At the regular grocery store I usually only buy some deli meat, bread (I have to freeze the stuff--a loaf will last me and my daughter like a month), milk, fresh fruit and veggies, etc. I also buy individually portioned snacks at the warehouse store like Goldfish and animal crackers so that I don't have to worry about portion control so much. But cheese is the main thing: sliced cheese, snack cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese . . . If it weren't for cheese I believe I would starve to death! LOL
   — ctyst

January 6, 2003
My experience is much different than everyone else that has posted. I spent a fortune everytime I have gone to the store. I bought lots of fish and meat and frozen after seperating it. I also have picked up specility stuff that is high in protein. I also have spent hours shopping cause I have to read every thing to make sure the sugar count is low and the protein is high. I have not enjoyed it at all.
   — Pam W.

January 6, 2003
It's just not the same... ::sigh:: I used to just toss stuff in the cart, and not worry about reading the nutrition information. Now I have to read EVERY SINGLE THING! This last trip to the store, I had to make a second round because I remembered there are 4 other people here that don't have to eat like I do! It's not so bad. I was SO excited when I ran across the sugar free kool-aid! Whodathunkit? Take care, Diana
   — Diana L.

January 6, 2003
I am two weeks post op today and wow have I ever changed..buying groceries used to be so easy whatever we wanted and then we filled in with fast food throughout the week. Now I am so organized with a list, I also read every label, plan ahead and guess what I am not even hungry! My tastes have changed, now I like chicken based soups, I actually drink and eat milk products. It amazes me!
   — debmi

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