Are these good or bad carbs?

I am not a big cereal eater myself, a friend of mine suggested having cream of wheat or grits. I wasn't sure if they were in the good or bad category of carbs, does anyone know? Thanks. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 87lbs.    — Vi F. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
The first food I had was Cream of Wheat. Personally, I don't care for it much so I only had it once. Oatmeal is a better choice, I think, because of the fiber. I do eat grits occasionally but not real often. My surgeon suggested that I eat Grape Nuts because of the high fiber content. It is difficult for us to get enough fiber and they help. His first suggestion was that I put enough grape juice over them to moisten them (and it really is good, believe it or not) but now, I put my grape nuts in yogurt - that is my breakfast every morning. I was diagnosed with diverticulosis in July and my doctor doesn't want me to ever get constipated, so he suggested the grape nuts and also, I eat a coupld of dried apricots or prunes every day. As far as the carbs are concerned, they won't hurt you as long as you limit the amount - a little is ok.
   — Patty_Butler

January 17, 2003
No carb is good if you are trying to LOSE weight. Eat as close to 100% protein. (After the soft food will eat soft foods, carbs or not, while your pouch is healing) Carbs cause plateaus. If you want to get this weight off and learn to keep it off, you will use carbs to slow or maintain your weight. So if you are ready to slow or maintain your weight...have a carb! The power to succeed is in YOUR CHOICES..
   — lee J.

January 18, 2003
First of all, you need a certain amount of carbs in your diet everyday to live. I have been down that road of eliminating almost all carbs from my diet and saw that I wasn't losing weight. When I started adding some carbs in the form of fruits and vegetables (NOT starches like breads, pastas, etc), I started losing weight again and broke the plateau. Personally, I didn't have this surgery to be on a strict diet the rest of my life and worry about every single bite that goes into my mouth. I try to just eat a well balanced, healthy diet. Good Luck!
   — Jamie H.

January 18, 2003
My nutriontist suggested cream of wheat. First of all you do need carbs for your brain to function correctly(a lack of carbs can increase memory loss).....second cream of wheat keeps you regular and feels good on your tummy. I asked if I could add fruit or maybe a little pat of butter, cinnamon, milk, ect. The nutrionist said that any of those items would be wnderful for me. Now I do assume that she means that I shouldn't have Cream of wheat for every meal but that I could have it several times a week. I follow everything she advises and have had wonderful success. Good Luck!
   — DRutherford

January 18, 2003
I agree that you need carbs but there are carbs that are better choices than others. Cream of wheat is not bad but you might want to try oatmeal, especially steel cut oats type or Scottish/Irish oatmeal, these are less processed than regular oatmeal (the longer it takes to cook, the better it is for you, lower in glycemic value which is what you are after). However, you can still do the Cream of wheat/rice and be okay.
   — susanje

January 18, 2003
Fruits and veggies are the better carbs and bread, pototoes, pasta are the not so godd carbs....however, you if you are eating very little....I think it is ok. My surgeon suggest 3/4 of your meal PROTEIN and 1/4 anything else. At 8 months post op, I am eating about 3-4 oz of protein and about 1 - 2 oz of fruits or veggies.
   — Sharon H.

January 18, 2003
Here's my two cents worth...feel free to give me change if it's not worth much LOL. I am almost 20 months post op and at goal (give or take 3-4 pounds here and there). I eat oatmeal almost every day. It's warm, filling and full of fiber which keeps me regular. I add butter and splenda and it's truly yummy...somtimes for variety, I add sugar free syrup or cinnamon or bananas and pecans...whatever's available to dress it up. I eat protein first at every other meal of the day, but my body does better and maintains my weight better with the morning oatmeal to keep things moving. As for grits, I love them, but couldn't tolerate them as an early post op...seems they have a tendency to swell up after you eat them and they made my tummy HURT! If you do eat them, make them thin and cook them thoroughly so the swelling is all done before you swallow them. Best wishes! Sharon LeBeau 296 pre-op, Open RNY, May 25, 2001, 154 today and a size 10!
   — Sharon L.

January 18, 2003
My surgeon's office recommends ALL protein until we have lost 75% of our weight. And then add carbs slowly, and carefully. Judging from all these postings, that philosophy appears to be the exception rather than the rule.
   — Cathy S.

January 18, 2003
Hi there...I start each day with half a packet of oatmeal. I make it with Lactaid, then stir in a scoop of protein powder and a dash of cinnamon. I get a nice warm breakfast that's full of protein and has some fiber as well.
   — Samantha S.

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