Has anyone medically needed a Tummy Tuck before one year post-op?

Currently I am 7 months post-op. My initial weight pre-op was 391 and I am 5'8" tall. Since my surgery on 08/05/02, I have lost 151 pounds. The problem Im having now is that all of my excess weight sits in my stomach. I have AT LEAST 40 pounds of excess skin hanging on my stomach. As a result, I've had SEVERE back pain that started in September 2002 and has only gotten worse since. My surgeon put me on pain meds (Ultram) that I have to take daily to be able to function. Plus, I've gone to a chiropractor and physical therapy in the hopes that my pain would lesses. NOTHING is helping and I know this is simply from the weight loss and being on the operating table for an extended period because Ive had xrays and 2 MRIs done. I have a follow up with my WLS surgeon on 04/22/03 where I plan to revisit this issue. Id like to get the ball rolling to getting a tummy tuck approved so that I can have the surgery sometime around June or July 2003 (which would be 10-11 months post-op). Has anyone had a TT done prior to one year post-op because of severe back pain? How long did it take between approval and surgery date? I just want to have an idea of what to expect. My back is killing me!!!! and I feel miserable!! Help!    — c B. (posted on March 7, 2003)

March 6, 2003
I will be having all my plastic surgery (arms, Tummy, Hips, Thighs, Butt, and Breasts) done before my 1 year anniversary. I was officially approved on Tuesday and I will be having the surgery next week (delayed because my surgeon had to order a special binder). I have rashes and constant pains in my back and the insurance approved it rather quickly once they received all the necessary paperwork. Good Luck!
   — Beffy W.

March 7, 2003
I had mine done pre-op at 324 lbs. I understand what you're going through. I had a huge stomach and I was so miserable. I went through the back and hip pain, rashes, was to the point of hardly being able to walk, at least without significant pain. I lived off of prescription ibuprofen along with muscle relaxers and lortabs. I felt I didn't have a choice but to find a way to get rid of my stomach. WLS was a ways off for me d/t cost (I'm self pay) and I just couldn't wait. Finally I found a wonderful doctor outside of the US to do it. It was the only way I could afford it. He did it for about 1/4 of what they wanted in the US. It was the best decision I've ever made. I love my shape, I can breath, move, and do things I couldn't have imagined beforehand. It gave me a jump start to my weight loss enabling me to exercise, plus the weight for some reason just seems to come off a ton easier. Anyhow, go for it. Its like freedom!
   — Shelly S.

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