5 Weeks Post Op, 20 Pound Loss, Need Advice

I am 5 weeks post op and have lost only 22lbs. My pre-op weight was 250 & my doc says this is normal. Will the loss speed up? Will anything help? I do the protein & liquids without problems. I also feel as if I can eat more than I should be able to (with no problems). I can eat more than a cup of anything, except maybe pasta. I can eat a whole can of soup, a bowl of soup at a restaurant, two pieces of chicken, etc.. Any responses greatly appreciated! Thanks.    — DONNA P. (posted on March 11, 2003)

March 11, 2003
Hey! Congrats on your weight loss! I had my surgery on Jan. 13, 2003, and I have only lost 30 pounds. I started out at 272 pounds. I think that at five weeks and losing 22 pounds is a great success. Although I have only lost 30 pounds, I have dropped from a 24/26 to an 18/20. So, I am trying not to focus on the numbers of pounds I am losing but the size of clothing that I am fitting into. I am wearing clothes that I haven't been able to fit into for five years now. Although, if you are worried about the slow weight loss, try increasing your exercise. Walking is the best. I decided to pull out some of old aerobics tapes and I try walking when I can. What I am really trying to say is --- keep up the faith and don't give up hope. This will work for you. The weight loss will come at a pace that is good for your body. Good luck to you on your journey. Daphine
   — Daphine C.

March 11, 2003
hi..Im 7 weeks and down 26 pounds so Im losin even less! u are losing average 4 pounds a week so far and thats darn good!! could never lose that much on a regular diet huh lol..I can eat abit myself as I guess Im bein more cautious about what I do eat..from what I hear 6 months is the best time to lose the weight so I want as much off asap! I guess for people like us who can eat more then others we just gotta be more careful kinda sucks but hey were still losing!!! :)
   — christine S.

March 11, 2003
Hi there, I too am 5 weeks out of my rny and down "only" 26 pounds. People keep telling me that is great, and I know I should be happy, but I feel like you do. I was 246 when I started and now 220. I can wear more, but definetly am not one of those who can tolerate and eat a lot. I have been sick several times off of the food we are supposed to eat. So at least you can eat and keep the food down. Keep up the good work.
   — kim V.

March 11, 2003
Don't get bummed. Look at the bright side, the slower you lose it, the more time your skin has to adjust and you may not need plastic surgery :-) There are people in my support group who lost really slow in the beginning and at about 3 months, they started dropping the pounds like sweat. Like you read all the time, everyone's different. You will have success. You lost 22 pounds, gone forever! Stay positive!
   — Jean S.

March 11, 2003
Donna, Don't get discouraged. I think all of us go in to this surgery expecting so much, and we just have to slow down and think "when else would I have lost this much weight so fast!?!" Believe me, the weight will come off. And you are a lightweight, so it will probably come off a little slower than someone who has 200lbs. to lose. I was exactly 250 pre-op as well. I lost 30 my first month, then 10 lbs. each additional month. So I am now 10 lbs. away from my goal of being 130# in only 9 months. So even if you only lose 10 a month- that is wonderful!! You will start to see the results soon, don't worry. Soup anyone can eat alot of b/c it is very liquidy, and that passes right through us, so don't get worried about that. Just continue to measure your food. 2 pieces of chicken- are they chicken tenders or are they whole breasts? There is a difference, if it is the latter, that is too much, but I doubt it is, you know, so don't scare yourself. You are doing great. goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 11, 2003
Exercise will help. You don't mention it, but it was my downfall. Also- most soups are liquid- and even at 2.5 years out, they are just funky in my pouch. They don't fill me up- so why eat them? You also need to look at the big picture: you have a great window of oppurtunity for the next 104 weeks! Five of those are nothing! Toss out the scale! Use this time to train yourself with new exercise/food habits. What you see on the scale should be the last consideration in this journey. I myself lost an average of 16.5 lbs per month! I am just happy that I look normal, and the biggest joy to me to this day is the fact that there are many instances I am NOT HUNGRY and easily satisfied. For me it is a very good feeling. Also, everyone is different- as long as your doing the program, 5 weeks is a little early to be worried.
   — Karen R.

March 11, 2003
Donna, don't get discouraged this early. You will find tht if you waste time comparing your loss to others, you will drive yourself batty. There will always be others who lose faster than you-its just a fact. The important thing to remember is that we all lose and we all get there. My pre-op weight was 249 and today I am 153 after 13 months. Others who have started higher than my start weight are 20-30 or more pounds less than me in just 9 months or less. So what? Relax and enjoy your journey, and try not to get wrapped up in others.
   — Cindy R.

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