11 Months Post Op, Nibbling, How do I stop myself from overeating?

I am 11 months post-op (open rny). I have lost about 90 lbs so far. Now that I have my appetite back, how do I stop myself from overeating? This morning for instance, I went out for breakfast and had 1 egg scrambled. My daughter had a pancake. After eating my egg, I keep "nibbling" on her pancake because it just tastes so good. I know its bad for me but I seemed to not be able to help myself. About 20 minutes later I feel very sick. I would feel better if I could vomit but I can't make myself vomit so I have to wait it out. It lasts about 30 minutes of feeling like this and also being mad at myself for eating it. My question is this? How can I stop myself from overeating like this? This is what got me fat in the first place. I just don't have the willpower to stop. I still have 15 more pounds to goal and I'll never get there if I keep doing this.    — Peggy D. (posted on March 16, 2003)

March 16, 2003
Hi Peggy, Next time you feel that need to nibble like that, break off a small piece of the pancake (or whatever the food is) and nibble off of that. Then you've kinda measured what you're eating and limiting the bad stuff to just a little bit. If you just blindly go nibbling, you really don't realize how much you've eaten until its too late, as you saw. You shouldn't have to deny yourself the bad food always, just limit it in a way you feel you've had some, you feel satisfied with that, and you're not hungry or sick afterwards. Good luck to you.
   — thumpiez

March 16, 2003
It isn't so much that you are overeating, you are simply not making the best choices you could make for yourself (which we've all done). You might want to rethink just having 1 scrambled egg. At 11 months out, that is not enough to eat! Try having a cheese omelet and eat 1/2 of that. Or have your 1 egg scrambled, along with a couple of light breakfast sausage links. Bob Evans restaurants have some good light sausage. Or even have a slice of melon or a fruit cup along with that egg. I know fruit with my meals, especially when dining out, helps curb that need for nibbling someone else's sweet treats. Most breakfasts, even light ones, come with toast. I will sometimes have 1/4 or 1/4 of toasted whole wheat bread with a smidge of jelly. That curbs the need to taste hubby's pancakes. I know, I'll hear from the anti-carb crowd. But if you eat your protein first, then nibble a few bites of fruit or whole wheat toast, it will go a long way toward making you feel "normal." Good luck on those last 15! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -117lbs.
   — Anna L.

March 16, 2003
I agree with Anna on sounds like you may not be eating enough volume at this point so you're kinda setting yourself up to have real hunger. If you don't feel comfortable making this adjustment yourself, then set up an appointment with a good nutritionist who can help you build some sample menus. Have him/her give you good choices for eating out as well. At 11 months, even with a few more pounds to lose you have to nurture your body and not be in starvation mode. Now the downside of upping your calories may mean that you will need to increase your activity level(exercise) so that you continue to lose to goal weight. I'm only three months post op, but I'm watching several longer term post ops like a hawk to see what works for them so that when I come to that time I can have some clue of what to try. One of the things the protein pervs would do is that before leaving to go out to breakfast is they would have a quick protein shake, which is giving your body good stuff and taking the edge off of your hunger. Now I'm a shake person and probably will continue to be. You may not be. Just wanted to throw that idea out as well. Good luck, we are pulling for you!
   — Susan F.

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