Does anyone know if Medicare will pay for a tummy tuck ,legs and arms?

Wanting to know if Medicare will pay for the excess skin to be removed from and or some of these areas, and what the critera for it to pay? Thanks in advance.    — tatterpuddin (posted on March 21, 2003)

March 21, 2003
yes medicare will pay for your tummy tuck if you have excess skin hanging my doctor told me that i will have to have a tummy tuck done after my surgery and medicare will pay for it because of the excess skin hanging can cause infection and raw areas as well as rashes as for legs and arms im not quite sure about that but one thing to remeber about medicare is if a doctor tells you that if the skin is not removed than you will have problems medicare will automactically pay for it good luck and talk to your doctor he should be able to tell you if you will need it done or not
   — Kimberly M.

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