Incisions and another question, please

I just got word from my insurance co. that my abdominoplasty has been approved...yea!!! I've been reading on the plasticsurgery support group list that there is some question and some differing views on anchor incisions verses just hip to hip. Can anyone give me their views on the two? My surgeon said he will just do hip to hip. But, I do plan on having a 2nd opinion. My other question: Insurance approved the abdominoplasty so fast that I'm now thinking maybe I'll ask my doctor to request approval for a lower body lift (thighplasty?) and just see if they'll cover that as well. Should I leave well-enough alone or try for the whole kit and caboodle? I don't want to test my luck too far! Thanks!    — Mary W. (posted on April 16, 2003)

April 16, 2003
I've seen people with both types of abdominoplasty. The ones you just have the hip to hip seem to still have a bit of a roll above the belly button, where the anchor-type incision makes them completely flat from top to bottom. The nice thing about the anchor-type incision is that the surgeon will also usually do what they call a *vertical*, which is where the tighten the abdominal muscles by pulling them in and thus giving you a smaller waist and more hourglass figure. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

April 16, 2003
Depending on any excess skin on your backside you might consider yet another version. I had a hip to hip (smiley face) incision that continued just below my waist around the backside. They did lipo to my backside as part of the procedure and then that incision tightened it all up - back hips, upper butt. This is much like the lower body lift, but without the inner thigh lift portion. Truthfully, I like my smiley face incision as I didn't want to feel like frankenstein with a big scar up my middle. The quality artistry of my surgeon let my incision line practically disappears as it follows the natural curve of my body. Hope this helps and doesn't just add to your decision troubles.
   — Shelly S.

April 16, 2003
Oh, and FYI I do NOT have any sort of roll above my belly button. Can't help but wonder if the previous poster was seeing a person who only had their pannus removed and not a total abdominoplasty where they tightened up all those muscles. I've seen that with only fat & skin removal but never in any of my surgeons B&As and definitely not on myself.
   — Shelly S.

April 16, 2003
I think the type of incision your surgeon recommends depends on where your excess skin is. Many people carry most of theirs below the belly button and only need the hip to hip cut. I had a lot of excess skin above the belly button, so the anchor incision was a better option for me. As far as a "frankenstein" vertical incision one of the previous posters mentioned... mine doesn't look bad at all and I believe it will not be very noticable. I do have a great hour-glass thing happening too! I have pictures of the incisions if you are interested in seeing them.
   — Karla K.

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