Has anyone heard of plastic surgery for your back and sides (where bra rides)?

I am still pre-op (only 39 days to go!!) but can't wait for the day to come when I can get rid of excess skin. This is really gross but I have a large "roll" on my back and sides from years of poorly fitting bras. It is quite large and I really want it GONE! Do you know of anyone that has had something similar removed? I am concerned that with the stretching and moving that is needed for this area that they won't be able to do anything.    — Kathy J. (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 15, 2003
I always had this too, but guess what? That was one of the first things to go when the weight started to come off. I am happy to say I have smooth sides now, not one roll. I looked in the mirror at my backside one day and was seriously suprised, I had no idea it was gone and wondered who's back I was looking at? Of course, I wish my rear would start to lose some of the fat but it will all come in time, I hope. So, what you are worrying about now may not even be a problem after you start to lose weight. Now, if only they did a "butt-ectomy" I would have to say I'd be first in line!
   — Dee ,.

May 15, 2003
Deena is right it does go away quicker than you might think. Mine is not completely gone, but I hope to have a breast reduction and tummy tuck and I think that just by pulling the skin tighter in those areas that the little bulges that are left will be gone. Look out Deena, I'll race you to the finish line for the butt lift! LOL!
   — Dana B.

May 16, 2003
I had an extended brachioplasty (batwing removal) which covers the underarm area down the sides where your talking about. I have no 'overhang' in the bra area anymore. I still have a 'roll' just under the bra area but that was pulled down a little with the extended TT and breastlift I had at the same time. The Dr. said he couldn't fully get rid of the roll under the bra due to 'blood supply' issues but could certianly take care of it down the road with either lipo or tucking that area. Its up to me whether I want yet another scar. AT this point, it doesn't bother me anymore and is smaller than it was.
   — Kris T.

May 16, 2003
When I had my arm done, the incisions extended from mid forearm to below my last rib. My surgeon was able to remove thosse double rolls of skin that hung on my back by pulling the skin forward and slicing off the excess. I have a GREAT back now and could even wear a backless dress if I so chose...
   — merri B.

May 16, 2003
Hopefully you won't need any PS but if you do this is what I know. The rolls in the back disappear quick with lipo and the excess skin goes if you have a tummy tuck that uses a belt type incision that goes around your backside to tighten that all up. (I had both at the same time because I hated my rolls in back). My PS suggested I have my arm lift with my breast lift and said that that roll area on my sides where my bra sits would be gone as well. You might be surprised though that when you're at a lower weight that you can get used to slight flaws because you still look so much better than before. I DO notice that roll at my sides (was today getting dressed even) but I look at the whole picture and am just so much happier overall.
   — Shelly S.

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