I have used protien drinks over the years, but, what do clear ones mean?

I will be having surgery in a couple of weeks and I am trying to get evertthing in order for the first couple of weeks.    — Diane55 (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
What do they mean?? Do you mean are they different from opaque ones?? Or are they as good as the opaque ones?? If so, it really doesn't matter if they are clear or opaque, as long as you watch the sugar content and it is at least 15 grams of protien per 1 cup serving, mixed. Some people like clear/fruity protien drinks and some like the milky drinks... it just depends on whether you like milk or water with your protien mix! You just have to try both and find out! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

June 18, 2003
Clear liquids means: If you had it in a glass, would you see the table? Full liquids means anything that will go through a strainer. So if you are being told "clear" ones only, that means you have to be able to see the table through the glass. I believe IsoPure is a clear one - not sure though.
   — bethybb

June 18, 2003
Yes, Isopure Zero Carb (20oz 40gr protein) and Isopure Zero Carb Sport (16oz 15gr protein)are both considered clear protein supplements. They are carried at GNC for just under $4.00 each so they are not cheap. They do taste great, a little tart and a bit like lightly sweetened kool-aid. My surgery is coming up soon and I'm required to use them during my first week of clear liquids...can you tell I've been researching? Hehe.
   — Rachael B.

June 19, 2003
As a new post-op, I used the Isopure zero carb drinks. They come in 20 oz glass bottles, with 40 oz of protein, but the taste was too strong for me. So, I mixed them with water, poured over ice and sipped all day. There are other brands of clear protein drinks out there too.
   — Cindy R.

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