26 Pounds To Goal..Too Soon To Consider Plastics?

I have another 26 lbs. to lose before I am at the governments "ideal" weight. I want to have my breasts lifted and implants put in. Am I close enough to goal? Has anyone done this before losing all of the weight? If so, How good were the results?    — hooterzgirl75 (posted on July 1, 2003)

July 1, 2003
If I'm correct you only had surgery in Feb? You will still be losing up to about a year out. You might lose more than 26 pounds, you just don't know at this stage. My doc said wait until 2 years, which I thought was crazy. I'm glad I listened because your body changes in that first to second year and you want to make sure you get all of the skin removed and by that time you're weight is stable. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 1, 2003
My surgeon who did my RNY also did my panniculectomy. He wouldn't even consider it til I had been stable for four months. I ended up having it done about 14 months post-op. I begged him to do it sooner because I had several hernias that needed to be repaired and they were a bit painful but he stuck to his guns, and now, I'm glad I did. I lost the five pounds of skin and tissue he removed and in the months following the tummy tuck, I have lost another 20 pounds. So, be patient. Give your body time to adjust and to settle where it wants to be before you maked more changes. It would be a shame to have plastic surgery only to need to have it "fixed" later because you lost more wieght or what you have shifted some more.
   — Patty_Butler

July 1, 2003
Hi Lyn, I started out with similar stats as you did. I am now weighing 175 lbs.. I am dying for an abdominoplasty. I figure I want to lose another 25 pounds or so. Since I don't have the $$ or the time for recuperation now, I am waiting til next summer so I can hopefully build a case for insurance to cover it. My Dr. said like some of the others that he would prefer 4 to 6 months of stable weight. I just hate this skin though. YUK. My other option is to have hubby's cousin do it. He is a plastic surgeon. I have to see what the other costs would be or if the insurance is the way to go. You look great though, and I would tend to agree with the other posters. I would wait til your weight stabilizes. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 2, 2003
Actually I would start now working on approval now. It takes several months to actually get an approval from insurance companies (....most likely denied at first request, then you have the whole process of an appeal) and a date for the actual surgery. It took me 6 months to get everything in order. Just some advise!
   — Jeanette D.

July 5, 2003
Definitely, START LOOKING NOW for the best surgeon in your area. I have had all my PS done and am VERY pleased with the results. Breasts & arms in Nov. SOme lipo in April and TT and thigh lift 4 weeks ago. None was covered by insurance, but all was well worth it! My profile tells more...Diane N-Tampa, FL PS PS photos coming soon...all my PS work was done by the best doc in Tampa Bay. Rob Rehnke, MD in St. Petersburg, FL
   — DianeN

July 7, 2003
Start looking now. You need to interview several plastic surgeons to decide who you want to go with. I can tell you my doctor has a 3 month waiting list just to get in to see him. It will then take time to submit to insurance (if your going that route) and time for the surgeon to schedule your surgery. Ideally, you should be within 20 pounds of your goal weight by surgery time.
   — Patty H.

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