What would cause me to gain??

I'm 8 weeks out today. I've lost 41 lbs.. or so I It seems I keep gaining and losing the same 3 lbs this past week. I've also increased my protien a lot, and also have finally started walking and doing a little excersize every day. Can that make me gain? My water intake is an issue, but I'm working on it. I'm not doing too many carbs. ( very little). Is this "normal" or should I worry? and what can I do to kickstart this again? I'm not done losing am I? thanks    — KellyJeanB (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 9, 2003
Hon, why are you weighing yourself so much? You say you've gained and lost the same 3lbs. this past week. Weigh yourself maybe once or twice a month and you'll remain much more sane through this whole process. You answered your own question anyway in stating that your water intake is an issue. A MINIMUM you should take in is 80 oz., IMHO. Slow down, take a breath and don't panic. - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -133lbs.
   — Anna L.

July 9, 2003
I too used to weigh almost every day. Even though I was really happy with the way my clothes were fitting and the way I was looking, I still got on the scales. One day I realized that I was having those same disapointed feelings that I had during the MANY diet attempts prior to surgery. I decided not to weigh so often and it really made a difference in the way I feel. It feels good to see the weight go in (7 weeks out- I think -36 lbs... don't know, I'm not weighing until the 22nd :)
   — tangela

July 9, 2003
I too am a "scale" addict. If you look in the archives, you will see that many people have had the 2-3lb fluctuation, so you might consider it normal for some people. Don't let it get you down, there are many reasons this happens, the biggest reason for women is water retention (according to my Doc).
   — M B.

July 9, 2003
I know when I'm stuck I drink TONS of water and it kick starts it again. But, if you're losing the "same 3 pounds this past week" that is not a plateau and your scale is in charge of your happiness. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 10, 2003
Yes, it is normal for some to go thru a short term gain during the weight loss process. I have gained and lost the same 2 pounds a few times over my journey. Eventually, usually within 2 weeks, it lets go of what you gained plus more. Those of us who weigh daily can watch this occur. If you can't handle it though, I suggest you stay off the scale and only weigh every few weeks or once a month. I weighed daily (still do) but kept a positive attitude and did not let it depress me when I would go an entire month and only lose 2 pounds, or didn't lose anything, or even gained the temporary 2 pounds. Just work on increasing the exercise and the water, keep up the protein and the low carbs and you'll be fine.
   — Cindy R.

July 10, 2003
Hi original poster here. I just want to say that the scale is not "in charge of my happiness".. I am very happy with my weight loss so far. My question wasn't whether or not I should get on the scale every day. I was just wondering if this was a normal process. Thanks to all who've answered.
   — KellyJeanB

July 10, 2003
Hi! You are normal! LOL!! To kickstart, drop the carbs and increase the protein. It works! :~) Good Luck! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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